Switzerland Fall Bible Conference 2013

  • by WMD
  • Oct 28, 2013
  • 890 reads

Geneva UBF, Switzerland
October 28, 2013

The 2013 Switzerland Fall Bible Conference was held from Oct 18 - 20 at the lake of Interlaken, entitled "From the Ground to Heaven."

We learned about the life of faith with detailed examples based on the relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit while we are living on earth. We should live on earth dreaming a heavenly dream like Jacob(Gen. 27, 28), inviting Jesus in our hearts (Matt 16), depending on the power of Jesus' name (Acts 3), praying (Phil. 4), proclaiming our faith (Prov. 18), building up the church (Matt.16) and having a vision of the expanding the kingdom of God.

God gave us a beautiful and nice weather. We all like little children had a good rest in Him and came back with a fullness of grace. We had 21 attendees all together including 5 guests from Bonn UBF, who enriched the conference with music instruments such as piano, horn and oboe. Their music sounded like the song of triumph and joy of Christ. We praise God for sending our savior, Jesus. We thank the Holy Spirit for his new work done among us and through our small weekend conference.

I pray that God may continue to bless Switzerland ministry to manifest the power of the words of God in each and every city.

By M. Paul & Sarah Lee, Geneva UBF
