Fall World Mission Report 2013, Korea UBF

  • by WMD
  • Nov 01, 2013
  • 1215 reads

Korea UBF,
November 1, 2013

We had the fall world mission report full of grace at the memorial of 100 years of Christianity, entitled "The Power of the Gospel" on October 7, 2013. The speakers were: M. Daniel Ann from UK UBF, Johnny Pringle, Sarah Flores and M. John Baek from El Camino UBF in California, and M. Jacob Lee from Washington UBF in Washington D.C.

M. Daniel Ahn praised God who opened a door and enabled him to preach the gospel full of grace at Cambridge College in UK as a student missionary.

Working full time, Johnny has served more than 20 1:1 Bible studies each week. Sarah serves seven or eight one to one Bible studies while working a full time teaching job. This grace upon them challenged all attendants and gave a great hope for the discipleship ministry in America, especially, when they heard of the sacrificial life, living a full time mission, and giving up better jobs to live as a Bible teacher.

M. John Baek testified that when he repented of his fatalism and held on to the living God, God gave him a victory over campus ministry. Based on his report, we learned three things. First, God blessed the El Camino ministry, as M. John served one person, Moses, with his whole heart, recognizing him so precious before God. M. John raised him as a presider of Sunday worship service when he couldn't read English very well. It moved other people's hearts and revealed God's glory, when he was transformed into a shepherd. Second, the El Camino ministry is the ministry of believing and teaching the word of God absolutely. M. John realized that it was important to plant one word of God in the leaders' hearts and helped them to write testimony deeply. So they wrote 7-10 page testimonies and shared them sometimes until 1 or 2 am. He also realized that the book of Genesis is very important for them. He had Genesis 1:1 Bible study with leaders and helped them to teach others. Third, the El Camino ministry is the ministry of believing the living God and conquering challenges with His help. M. John first believed in the living God and went out on campus to fish. His fishing raised the shepherd who became the ancestor of God's ministry. He challenged the leaders to have 300 teams of 1:1’s and they experienced great faith through obeying and fulfilling this prayer topic. All of the attendants of this world mission report were moved and challenged by this ministry and found a direction to teach the word of God with living faith.

Lastly, M. Jacob Lee reported his mission report gracefully and we could learn many things from him. He was an orphan who lost his parents one morning, during the Korean War. He, however, reported that God raised and used him as a missionary who pioneered and raised a disciple making ministry in Washington (Univ. of Maryland) the capital city of U.S.A. with grace and humor. God blessed his ministry to send many missionaries and to have a 120-member Sunday worship service with a large center building. God also blessed his children to establish house churches. He testified to the power of the gospel beyond circumstances and cultures. He shared powerfully that when we hold on to the power of the gospel without compromising, God will give us a victory regardless of any situation based on his experiences.

Through this mission report, we learned what is most important in our shepherd lives and mission lives. It is living faith, confidence in the power of God's word and the gospel and commitment. God granted the great work of the Holy Spirit through the missionaries who have faith and confidence in the gospel in U.S.A. which is one of the most difficult mission fields. Shepherd David finished this mission report with prayer topics to serve campus gospel ministry with the same faith and confidence of theirs, overcoming the difficulties of Korean campus situation.

By Caleb Kim
