Mainz UBF Celebrated the 25th Anniversary, Germany

  • by WMD
  • Nov 07, 2013
  • 1431 reads

Mainz UBF, Germany

Mainz UBF celebrated the 25th anniversary on Oct. 27, 2013.

Dr. Peter Chang from Bonn UBF clearly and gracefully delivered a message titled “Go back to the Bible" based on Ezra 7:10. Through the message he planted a vision for the Mainz UBF established on the martyrdom spirit of Shs. Barbara Lee who laid a foundation of the Germany pioneering ministry. She passed away on Dec. 2012. She gave her life to raise up excellent Bible teachers who can be used for Germany and Europe's spiritual revival for next 25 years. We had around 107 attendees for this worship service including 70 from Bonn, 14 from Köln, Düsseldorf, Darmstadt, Wiesbaden and Frankfurt ll and 23 from Mainz UBF giving thanks to God and sharing His grace together. In this celebration M. Grace Kim and M. Samuel Peter Ryu presented mission reports respectively.

In part II, for worship program, we had Mainz second gen's worship dance and singing, Bonn second gen's performances of trumpet and horn and quartet as well, Joseph Lee’s (from Darmstadt) piano solo and Mainz UBF’s mission history video and pictures presented by Hudson Kim, Rebecca Ryu and Sarah Kim. It was heart moving and graceful. Through this video presentation and displaying pictures, the characters of Mainz UBF ministry could be summarized into four: 1) in obedience of Mark 11:22, the ministry of disciple making and self supporting by faith. 2) The ministry of co-working with Bonn UBF from which we were sent, co-working with Rhein Main region UBFs for last 4 years through united Easter conferences, and co-working for world mission. 3) Ministry of early morning prayer for last 25 years. 4) Ministry established on the resurrection and martyrdom faith came from Shs. Barbara Lee's departure.

Mainz UBF pioneering ministry started when M. Samuel Peter Ryu had built the alter of prayer for one year visiting campus during the week since Oct. 1987. Then on Oct. 1988, M. Hanna Ryu joined to him with the firstborn son, Samuel from Bonn UBF and their house church ministry began. Samuel Ryu, who was 4 years old at that time, recently has established a blessed house church with Shs. Happy Maria on May, 2013. It has already been twenty five years since we began the pioneering ministry.

Without any financial basis, M. Samuel Peter Ryu’s family took Mark 11:22 as a pioneering key verse and started to serve the pioneering ministry only by faith of throwing a mountain into the sea. We first challenged to disciple making ministry by having faith in Matt. 6:33, working at the college as a janitor to support our family. God helped and blessed us to serve many Mainz students with the gospel of Jesus including Sh. Fels' family and Shs. Barbara's family as well. God also blessed us to raise up 5 second gens, Samuel Ryu, Peter Ryu, Rebecca Ryu, Samuel Kim, and David Kim as Bible teachers and shepherds. After 10 years had passed since we came to Germany, we were supposed to go back to Korea due to visa problem. However, when we believed Mark 11:22 and prayed earnestly, then God solved our visa problem through M. Hanna who got a job at KOTRA for 5 years. In this way God enabled us to get the German Citizenship in year 2000 and set up a new foundation for us to continually serve the world mission.

Our prayer topics are:

1. For Mainz UBF to raise many Bible teachers and global leaders based on Ezra 7:10,
2. For raising up 12 disciples and pioneering 12 campuses in Rhein Main region through 1:1 Bible study,
3. For powerful Sunday worship service message and a good health to M. Samuel Peter Ryu,
4. For harvest co-workers and mission co-workers.
