MGIMO UBF held a Weekend Genesis Bible Club, Russia

  • by WMD
  • Nov 11, 2013
  • 1048 reads

November 11, 2013

Thank God for strengthening us through daily bread and world mission news. On Oct. 25-27 we held the weekend Bible club based on Genesis 1-3. For three days we enjoyed gracious group Bible studies. In particular, sister Anya, a second-year student, came to this Bible club for the first time. She wants to study the Bible. Sh. Daniel delivered the Sunday message based on Genesis 3. Through God´s question, “Where are you?” we repented and deeply accepted God´s invariable love again. God blessed our Bible club so much that we all could renew our faith in the Creator God.

Our prayer topics:

1. To conquer both MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations) and RGUNG (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas) by the gospel faith,
2. To have a faithful 1:1 Bible study with S. Sacha, B. George, B. Nikita, S. Anya,
3. To raise one Abraham and one Sarah in this year in MGIMO and RGUNG respectively,
4. To raise 12 disciples both in MGIMO and RGUNG,
5. To establish a house church for Sh. Paula,
6. For M. Peter Kim and Sh. Daniel’s Sunday message based on Romans.

By Sh. Daniel Zhivaev, MGIMO UBF, Moscow

Below is the Life testimony of Daniel Zhivaev.

Before meeting Jesus I was like Adam who sinned. My life was in a constant state of fear, guilt, condemnation and shame. I could not come to God on my own and neither get rid of this damned life and the power of sin. But God did not leave such a miserable sinner alone, but first came up to me with a holy love. He sent the Savior, Jesus who forgave all my sins and set me free from the power of Satan driving out demons and restored the relationship with God.

Thanks to the constant holy love of God! I could find the meaning of my life, my place and the mission and find peace of mind, tranquility, joy and happiness. The God’s holy love came into my heart and there was a heavenly paradise. I wholeheartedly thank God for that He loved me even when I was his enemy and saved my life through the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Preparing the Sunday message, I've been thinking over the question of God: "Where are you?" I said, I am here before you, I will not run away, but serve you. But strangely enough in my heart there was no joy. I realized that although I have outwardly served God with my physical body, my soul has often been under the power of sin, darkness and the influence of this world. I repented that my attitudes toward the words of God have been superficial and formal. Like Eve, rather, I often used to listen to the voice of unnecessary and unprofitable worldly voice instead of God’s. Therefore, there was no joy in my heart and I was wandering on the question from the Bible passage. I thank God for his question: "Where are you?" through which He has helped me to realize where I am now and where I should be. First of all, He wants me to remain in Him, in His love, in His words and in obedience to Him. I thank God for what He has helped me to restore the relationship with Him and find my place in front of Him and the absolute meaning of my life and mission.

I pray that every day I may hear His voice through His word so that my soul can be filled with heavenly paradise and happiness. I pray that God may bless me to make every effort to joyfully fulfill the mission God has given me and use me and my family for the salvation work and making disciples of Jesus in MGIMO, Russia and around the world. Amen!
