Minsk CME Report, Belarus

  • by WMD
  • Nov 13, 2013
  • 1248 reads

Minsk UBF, Belarus
November 13, 2013

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3)

Thank God for sending Dr. John Jun to Minsk for our missionaries to be spiritually recharged and to have personal fellowship with him through many consultations about prayer and spiritual directions for the campus mission. In particular, since Minsk was like a blind spot, no servant of God has visited us ever, but Dr. John Jun made it this time. Through his visit, God gave us great comfort and joy and a vision that indeed there will be many great works of the Holy Spirit in Minsk ministry in the future.

On the first day (Nov. 5) we studied Ephesians lecture 1 (spiritual blessing) in the morning. Through Ephesians 1:3 we could deeply learn of Apostle Paul’s life of praising. Despite the worst situation of a prison cell he was in he thanked and praised God, so we learned a lot through his life of faith and found many repentance topics. Especially, over the past year while preparing for opening Sejonghakdang Korean Language Institute M. Hannah has been so tired and stressed out because of the difficulties of self-support that she has been exceedingly overwhelmed by many doubts and her heart became weary and heavy. However, studying the words of God in Ephesians, we could repent those sins and learn that only one thing we have to hope in is the inheritance of the kingdom of God in Christ. After the Bible study we all prayed together earnestly for a rapid stride of self-supporting ministry to be made through the complete accomplishment of the business consignment agreement between Sejonghakdang and the Belarus National University by God's intervention.

On the second day (Nov. 6) we studied Ephesians lecture 2 (to do good works), through which M. Paul Oh this time repented a lot. M. Paul Oh also has failed many times both in serving discipleship ministry and self-support. His conscience was weakened and he was obsessed with many failures and had no strength even to kneel down to pray before the cold reality, although he was recreated for good works and sent to Minsk as a missionary and an apostle of Christ. However, through the gracious Ephesians Bible studies he could repent such a sinful heart and clearly brush up his one prayer topic to raise up one ancestor of faith like Abraham and one mother of many nations like Sarah at Belarus National University. In the afternoon, we all visited the Belarus National Engineering Institute and sincerely prayed all together for this one prayer topic.

On the third day (Nov. 7) we studied Ephesians lecture 3 (Jesus destroyed the barrier through the cross), through which we could deeply learn of hamartiology, soteriology and the church of Christ. Realizing the importance of house church ministry, we all earnestly prayed together for Minsk ministry to be newly revived by M. Paul and Hannah Oh’s family. In the afternoon, Dr. John Jun helped our sheep and Korean students with the Ephesians lecture 2 (to do good works) Bible study. It was a grateful and blessed time for them to accept God’s holy mission and make a decision to live a life of bearing good fruit.

On the fourth day (Nov. 8), Dr. John Jun gave us a special Galatians Lecture – Pneumatology, and it was a very precious time for our missionaries to learn that there is no way to revive our spirituality which has been withered endlessly in the barren desert-like mission field, but fight against our physical desires depending on the Holy Spirit. In addition, we learned that the only way to engage in successful self-supporting and victorious disciple-making ministry bearing much good fruit is to be alert in living a spiritual life and to struggle to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit resembling the character of Jesus. After the Bible study, we visited the Ambassador of the Korean Embassy of Belarus and had a time of benediction followed by fellowship. Afterward, we visited the Belarus National University campus as well and that night we all gathered together and wrote our own reflections based on the words of God we studied.
On the fifth day (Nov. 9), after we studied about the ‘principle of children’s education,’ Dr. John Jun had a special one to one with M. Jiuk Chung based on Galatians (Pneumatology). Through this, she received a lot of comfort and strength and bounced back from a state of exhaustion both spiritually and physically. At 3:00 p.m. some of our sheep shared their life testimonies as a preparation for the baptism ceremony on Sunday.

On the sixth day (Nov. 10) Dr. John Jun served the Sunday worship service with the message of ‘Spiritual Blessing’ based on Ephesians 1. After the message M. Jiuk Chung shared her life testimony and then we had a communion and baptism ceremony consecutively. Those who were baptized are Yeojun Yoon, Yeonyeong Yoon, Lydia Oh and Samuel Oh. In the afternoon, Dr. John Jun performed a medical examination on brother Rahman for his sore throat and gave him some advice for relief and had a Bible study with him.

Thank God for the grace of God who sent Dr. John Jun to Minsk and blessed us to have many gracious Bible studies and much spiritual advice through having fellowship with him and helped us to pray holding on the practical prayer topics which are essential to serve God’s ministry.

Minsk UBF Prayer Topics:
1. For Luke’s gospel study and M. Paul Oh’s Sunday message
2. For raising one Abraham of faith and one Sarah as mother of prayer at Belarus National University: God may bless sister Marana to be a mother of prayer at Belarus National University
3. Brother Rahman and M. Jiuk Chung’s family may be good mission co-workers
4. Korean students may grow as mission co-workers
5. In 2014, Lydia Oh may be an ancestor of faith and a Bible teacher at the dental school
6. Samuel Oh may enter the Belarus National University (Computer Engineering)
7. Sister Pamela may be sent to her own country, Nigeria, as a missionary next year
8. M. Hannah Oh may achieve independence in self-supporting and M. Paul Oh may finish his PhD by 2014
9. Minsk UBF may bring 15 attendees to the 2014 Moscow International Summer Bible conference

Thank you.
