UBF History Museum Opening Ceremony

  • by WMD
  • Nov 29, 2013
  • 1047 reads

November 29, 2013

Joshua 4:7, “…tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD. When it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever."

On November 25, the opening ceremony of UBF history museum was held at Kwangju UBF center. All Korean staff shepherds attended. The opening ceremony began with the prayers of Dr. James Suh, Dr. Paul Hong and S. Joshua Lee (Daejun UBF). Dr. John Jun delivered a main message with the title, “A memorial forever” on Joshua 3:14-4:24.

Israel people miraculously crossed the Jordan River when the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. When they had finished crossing the Jordan, God said to Joshua, "Choose twelve men from among the people, one from each tribe, and tell them to take up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan and to put them down at the place where you stay tonight." Joshua appointed the twelve men to do so. He then said to them, “In the future, when their children ask them, 'What do these stones mean?' tell them, 'Israel crossed the Jordan on dry ground.' These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel people forever.”

Dr. John Jun explained the meaning of these stones in three ways. First, God wanted Israel people to remember his salvation. Second, God also wanted them to teach God’s history to his descendants. Third, he did so that the people of the world may acknowledge that God is powerful and so that they may always fear God.

It was a miracle that Israel people crossed the Jordan River as on dry land. God wanted his people to remember God’s history. However, when Israel people entered the promised land flowing with milk and honey, they forgot God and compromised with the Gentile culture. Therefore, God built up 12 stones as a memorial forever so that they may remember God’s history and teach it to his descendants.

It was followed by a special song by S. Kim Woojin, “The Lord’s prayer.” Then Mother Barry delivered a blessed message with the title, “Bible Korea, World Mission, Enlarge the Place of your Tent!” on Isaiah 54:2. In summary, Mother Barry explained that we can carry out Bible Korea and World mission through deep Bible study and prayer. It was followed by P. Abraham Kim’s welcoming address.

The highlight of our program was M. Grace A. Lee’s life testimony. She shared the story behind the scene as the wife of late Dr. Samuel Lee. Through her testimony, we could see how the UBF campus movement began and how the ministry of UBF could grow gradually through the co-working of Dr. Samuel Lee and Mother Barry. Above all, we could see how M. Grace A. Lee became a suitable helper of Dr. Lee behind this great ministry. We learned that there is always a great woman of God, suitable helper and a mother of prayer like M. Grace A. Lee behind a great ministry.

Announcements and prayer topics were given by S. David Kim, Korean UBF director. First of all, we praised God who opened the UBF History Museum by remodeling the original building located at 176-1 Daein-dong, Kwangju, Korea. S. David emphasized the importance of history education. He asked us to pray that God may use this history museum to teach God’s history in UBF and pass on UBF ministry to our descendants. After our ceremony, we visited the UBF History Museum to pray together.

By Paul Koh
