Odessa CME Report, Ukraine

  • by WMD
  • Dec 03, 2013
  • 1056 reads

Odessa UBF, Ukraine
December 3, 2013

By God's great grace Odessa UBF could have Dr. John Jun’s CME from November 18 to 22. On Nov. 19 at 7:00 p.m. we studied about children’s education only for the house church members. There are 10 house churches and 16 second gens among us; yet we never had such a Bible study for children’s education. We learned that our children are precious gifts and that their parents are the stewards who are responsible for raising and offering them to God. We could hear the voice of the Holy Spirit through asking earnest questions about many practical matters happening in our daily lives and through having many discussions.

For two days on November 20 and 21, some missionaries studied Ephesians lectures 1 & 2 with Dr. John Jun. We could learn the faith of Apostle Paul who was full of thanksgiving and praise to God even in the prison cell. It was because of the spiritual blessing God poured out onto him. I have been tired living in the poor situation of Ukraine, and several missionary families have been in financial difficulties. However, the words of Ephesians inspired us to repent. Specifically, M. Rebekah Gerus has suffered a lot from living in poverty with 3 children and a father-in-law who lost his eyesight. However, she began to praise God by acknowledging how great the spiritual blessing is that God lavished on her.

On Nov. 22, at 7:00 p.m. all our leaders gathered together and studied Ephesians lecture 2 with Dr. John Jun. Through this study all our leaders accepted God’s special love and renewed God’s mission. From our hearts we all gave thanks to God who restored our mission through reminding us that God has a good plan for each of us even from before the creation of the world. It was for this that God sent Jesus to shed his holy blood on the cross.

Thank God for sending Dr. John Jun even to such a remote place as Odessa in order to serve us with the precious words of God. Thank God for blessing us to see and learn from Dr. John Jun and his enthusiasm, mildness and humbleness. We earnestly pray that we all may be good disciple makers remembering God’s special love throughout our lives according to the spiritual direction that the Holy Spirit gave us.
