M. Grace A. Lee Shared her Life Testimony in Kwanak III & V UBF, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Dec 10, 2013
  • 1029 reads

Korea UBF
December 9, 2013

Revelation 2:10b, “Be faithful even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”

On November 26, M. Grace A. Lee was invited to Kwanak III & V to share her life testimony. She shared her testimony, entitled “Be faithful even to the point of death”. The room was packed with students. Her testimony demonstrated the story behind the scene as the wife of Dr. Samuel Lee.
Dr. Lee’s passion, spirit, world mission vision, shepherd heart and his deep love of God’s words were well revealed. We could see how the campus movement of UBF began and how the ministry of UBF could grow gradually through the humble co-working of Dr. Samuel Lee and Mother Barry. Above all, we could see how M. Grace A. Lee became a suitable helper of Dr. Lee behind this great ministry. Her testimony proved that there is always a great woman of God, suitable helper and a mother of prayer like M. Grace A. Lee behind a great ministry.
The general atmosphere of the meeting was full of joy and vibration. It was amazing to see the great response of the students. We could feel that God blessed the prayers of Kwanak coworkers, especially Shepherds Jaeeun Cho and Daniel Byeon. During intermission, a special song, “The Lord’s prayer” was given by S. Daniel Byeon.
There was a Q & A session. Many kinds of interesting questions were asked. I would like to introduce one interesting story. One student asked her, “Before marriage, your father prayed for you to make an environment for your husband to take a rest when he comes home? How did you make it?” M. Grace answered, “My husband usually comes home around 11-12 pm. I bring a basin of warm water to wash his feet. Then he begins to talk about all the events of the day. I could find out all my prayer topics.”
Finally, brief prayer topics were given by S. Abraham Jung and the meeting ended with his prayer.
