P. Abraham Kim's Message -UBF History Museum Opening Congratulatory Address

  • by WMD
  • Dec 11, 2013
  • 1105 reads

Opening Ceremony of UBF History Museum
November 25, 2013

I thank God for today’s opening of the UBF History Museum and congratulate with all coworkers .
The birth place of UBF located at 176-1 Daein-dong, Kwangju, Korea has been preserved for the past five decades during which it is said that the rivers and the mountains change five times. Now it has become the UBF History Museum. I give thanks to God, for I believe that it is according to God’s special plan and purpose. Here UBF started as a Bible study meeting of college students and has grown into a world campus evangelism organization. There might be many reasons for this. But most of all, I believe UBF grew because the late Dr. Samuel Lee and Mother Sarah Barry believed the word of God absolutely and taught the Bible with a shepherd’s hearts, and because the ancestors of our ministry, staff shepherds and missionaries devoted their lives to world campus mission out of their simple faith in God’s word and obedience. The disciple-making ministry through faith and obedience to the word of God and shepherd heart and servantship for individuals made possible the self-supporting missionary movement through UBF that serves world campus evangelism.
Today, the church continues to face many challenges to carry out the Lord’s Great Commission, fighting against the trends of growing relativism and secularism in society. However, all Scripture that is God-breathed is living and active. It can give life and transform anyone into a new creation with God’s vision and hope. We must keep what God has given us through the late Dr. Samuel Lee, Mother Sarah Barry and the ancestors of our ministry--the absolute faith and obedience toward the word of God and shepherd heart that comes from valuing one person as more precious than the whole world. We should keep the spirit of devotion and sacrifice. We should keep the lamp of prayer for Bible Korea and world mission. Above all, we must hold firmly to the blessed gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Then I believe that God will carry out through us the work of evangelism and disciple-making in the campuses of the united Korea and 235 countries of the world.
I would like to thank Sh. David Kim, Korea board of elders, Sh. Nehemiah Kim and all coworkers in Kwangju for their labor from the purchase of this building to the opening of the History Museum today. May God use this museum as a place where the new generations in our ministry remember and learn the faith, obedience and devotion of the UBF ancestors. May God also bless Kwangju UBF, the caretaker of this museum.
