Bonn, Mainz & Koblenz UBF had a joint Christmas Worship Service

  • by WMD
  • Dec 17, 2013
  • 836 reads

Bonn, Mainz & Koblenz UBF, Germany
December 17, 2013

“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11)

UBF chapters from Bonn, Mainz and Koblenz had a joint Christmas Worship Service on Sunday, December 15th. Many Bible friends and family members came. In total, 140 people attended. Xenofon G. gave a joyful Christmas message based on Matthew 2. He emphasized that Jesus is our true king who deserves our worship. Jim Elliot was killed by the Huaorani-Indians in Ecuador, but his wife Elizabeth stayed in the mission field and lived with the Indians. Because she worshipped Jesus she could overcome her sorrow and much suffering and serve him to the end. Through the magi and Elizabeth Elliot we learned how to truly worship Jesus by surrendering our lives to him.

God blessed our worshipping programs like choir by our women co-workers, dance performed by Mainz JBF, orchestra and chamber music, solo and duet performances by the next generation, Peter Josef C., Sarah S., Maria R. and her friend. Pastor Peter Schweitzer and his wife Anja directed the Christmas drama 2013 prayerfully. The drama supported the message that we can experience true joy when we worship Jesus, our King with the right attitude. We are very moved by Pastor Peter´s sacrificial shepherd life to do his best for preparing the drama in the evenings after his full-time job. We are also very encouraged through our young adults who in spite of their exam week participated wholeheartedly in the preparations for the Christmas worship service and invited many of their friends.

This Christmas, we prayed for the persecuted Christians and their families in Syria, North Korea and in the Muslim nations and for the typhoon victims in the Philippines.

Thank you very much for your prayer for our ministry.

In Christ
