Panama UBF Christmas Worship Service 2013

  • by WMD
  • Dec 28, 2013
  • 959 reads

Panama UBF
December 18, 2013

Immanuel, God with Us

“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).” (Matthew 1:22-23)

This year, the Lord has blessed our Christmas Worship Service abundantly, despite our shortcomings. Though we were praying to invite our sheep’s families and made invitation cards for them, in the end we couldn’t deliver a single invitation card. However, by God’s grace, the families of Brother Jean Carlos and Brother Oliver (Philosophy & History) attended our Christmas Worship Service. Also, 3 sheep whom we had not seen for some time, Maria Alejandra, Jose and Clara (all in Medicine school) came as well. There were 16 attendants in total.

We held our Christmas Worship Service on Dec 22nd in our Bible Center. M. Susan and M. Maria prepared an abundant Christmas meal with Korean food for the attendants. M. Maria prepared a special song and Brother Jean Carlos directed the service. M. Joshua delivered a heart-moving message based on Matthew 1:18-25, entitled “Immanuel, God with Us,” and explained the real meaning of Christmas. He said that the purpose of the Christmas holiday is to celebrate that God Himself descended from heaven to earth as a little baby to live among us, to serve us, and to die for us on the cross. Through his redeeming sacrifice we receive the most beautiful present: forgiveness for our sins. He explained that we all are sinners and need to accept Jesus’ present of salvation.

After the service, M. Susana, M. Maria, Sister Maria Alejandra, Brother Oliver and Brother Jean Carlos organized the tables and served the food for all assistants. After lunch, we spent time with all the attendants and said goodbye to M. Susana and her children (who will join to M. John Baek on Venezuela next Dec. 24th). M. Maria prayed for the Lord to give them a successful mission life in Venezuela and to bring them back soon if it is God’s will.

Praise God for his amazing grace and love for us. May we give glory to God, Immanuel, who came down to earth to rescue us from our sinful lives. We pray that the families of Brother Jean and Brother Oliver could join us every Sunday Worship Service and that they may meet Jesus as their Savior. We also pray for Maria Alejandra, Jose and Clara to faithfully attend Sunday Worship Service and 1:1 Bible Study every week.

Prayer Topics:
1. To Raise Jean Carlos and Oliver as shepherds for Panamanian students.
2. For Maria Alejandra, Yisel and Carlos to faithfully attend SWS and 1:1 Bible Study.
3. To establish the disciple’s house this year.
4. For M. Joshua and M. Maria to fish at the University of Panama every week.
5. For M. Joshua to diligently prepare and deliver powerful messages on Mark’s gospel.
6. For M. John Baek to continuously support both Venezuela and Panama ministries.
7. For Baek’s family to get settled well in Venezuela.

Thank you for your prayer for us.

M. Joshua Gutierrez
