The Life Testimony of Lovemore Sithole, Zimbawe UBF

  • by WMD
  • Jan 03, 2014
  • 1699 reads


Zimbawe UBF
January 3, 2014

Key verse: Exodus 19v5-6a: "Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."’


My name is LOVEMORE SITHOLE, the fourth born in a family of six—five boys and one girl—coming from Chipinge. I grew up in a mixed family in terms of religion – my mother a devoted Christian and my father a non-believer—but l chose to follow my father who allowed and paved a way for my behavior so to speak.

The most difficult time in my life was after my father married a second wife and started neglecting us the first family. I began drinking alcohol and smoking for my curiosity. My health was not good due to drug abuse. When I started my secondary education, I changed my behavior. I had to work at school during the holidays just for my fees while all other students were at home. I had no extra money for unnecessary spending that would make me take drugs again. I received stationery from the local teachers who assisted me since l pretended to be obedient. All this took place when l went to a rural area.

I finished my Ordinary Level and A Level with good results (15points) but did not proceed to a higher level, as l had no funds. I applied for an international scholarship but the selection was biased towards the selected few children of prominent businessmen and politicians. So l lost hope in my life since it was the same period in 2006-7, when there was political and economic instability in our country when inflation was at its peak. I then decided to flee to a nearby country, South Africa, in January of 2008 without any professional course and without legal documents, and l was escorted through the border-post at the back of a huge truck squeezed in between sacks in a trailer.

When I arrived there, l was quick to be employed in the private security departments in which I was working in open weather which was insecure during the night. This caused me to withdraw from my promising- to-end drug abuse. I then took more advanced drugs like dagga just to do away with my excessive fear from unnecessary non-stop gun sounds from robbers. In doing all this I justified myself saying that even God will not judge me as this was not my intention but due to poverty which I assumed my country imposed on me, yet it was because l did not receive God’s word.

I made my way home with no option of returning to that country. It happened to be that I arrived home following the death of my father. It was during the time when the economy was recovering through dollarization. I was employed as a civil servant as a substitute teacher for secondary school, teaching physics, mathematics and chemistry. That was when l saved my university fees just for first semester, but without fees for the rest of the remaining semesters.


I was a habitual church goer and it was in the year 2009 in October when l was admitted to the University of Zimbabwe for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degrees(MBChB). We commenced our studies on the 12th of November but I could not make it because of lack of readily available cash for bus fare. So I had to join my fellow students on the 21st of November the same year. Life was so challenging at campus especially since residence halls were closed due to poor social facilities. Students could risk their lives for daily living including residence and food.

Through my fellow shepherd Blessed Fungirai who was then a brother in Christ, I came to UBF in early December of 2009. When l paid my first visit to UBF, l came initially for accommodation, food and bus fare which l was told were given after every church service. My first fellowship group after the main church service was with Missionary Caleb Shin and before the after-church gathering; the church service appeared to be very long since my mind was on getting money and food given after church. Because l did not know that this was the most opportune time God had prepared for me to receive His Word, l departed early getting back to campus to see my girlfriends soon after receiving the money and when my stomach was full.

The third week of my attendance at UBF l was assigned to Missionary Petra Lee for Bible studies. l confess that I wanted to run away because it was before l received Jesus in my heart as my personal Savior and I was not familiar to their way of teaching. Making matters worse was the fact that l had studied the Bible during high school so I felt no reason to be taught. Little did l know that academic Bible study was different from spiritual Bible study. I attended a series of Bible studies and my interest in Bible study grew more and more. I ended up requesting more Bible study materials to teach my own sheep on campus and in the process faced challenges that eventually led me to bring some of my sheep to Missionary Petra because l was demoralized, as some of the sheep that appear one week would not show up the following week. This made me understand the difficulties our missionaries faced when they established centers around the world.

Because my objectives were changed from enjoying food to becoming a Bible teacher, l was considered fit to join my senior shepherds at the center (tent). Before becoming a member and shepherd at the center, l thought that when l joined my senior shepherds at the center less work as far as spiritual training was concerned would be done. To my surprise, more activities like memorizing Bible verses and testimony writing and sharing were compulsory. At that time one could only be called a good shepherd after practicing these things and then having sheep under his care. Truthfully, it appeared impractical to me considering that l had to spare enough time for my medical studies. But l adapted and finally had more interest in the spiritual activities.

It took a bit longer for me to be called and also accept that l was a shepherd. But through the training I received l slowly adapted. All of this was due to fear of responsibility for my sheep on campus. As a shepherd l was always afraid to feed them physically as l unreasonably justified myself that l was a student who did not receive any government grants and so was unable to buy even fruits for them and transport them to the center for main service since l did not have car. This ended when l considered how sacrificial our lay missionaries were in doing what l thought was difficult. So I had to change my way of thinking and finally resorted to earnest and honest prayers so that l may serve the campus mission adequately. Despite all those hardships and an inferiority complex towards God’s work, we prayed together with Missionary Petra Lee for the mission and l managed to bring God-fearing sheep to the center who are currently my fellow shepherds.

I suffered in December 2010 because I lost hope in my life even though my faith in the word and in God was at an advanced stage. During that time l repeatedly asked myself several questions such as why it was that l was sick even after l received Jesus as my Savior. This remained unanswered until later after a series of Bible studies which revealed the secrets on how difficult it is for one to inherit and enter the Kingdom of God. Missionaries prayed for me every time in their gatherings and included me in their prayer topics. Furthermore, the Han Yang UBF center in South Korea also included me in their prayer topics. I did not visit my home leaving the center as l had more faith in my healing from the Zimbabwe UBF center. I also received funds for medical assistance. By the grace of God, I recovered and got well and then resumed my work as a shepherd. Above all, I was appointed to be a fellowship leader for Lovemore fellowship. God also opened my spiritual eyes through the 2012 Southern Africa conference. I was in the land I once visited illegally and where I was arrested, but this time I was with proper documents and not for a job but just for the word of God. I was deeply moved by the great work of God in Africa. I could see many fruitful shepherds in Africa. I accepted one word, "YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES" (Acts 1:8). This theme also boosted my spirit to a point of even wanting to go to another country to be a missionary as well as medical doctor. Personally, I learned faith to please God. The conference ended three days before our exams. This tested my faith but l passed and God was glorified despite the poor preparation. l want to thank the missionaries who joined me in prayer for the medical attachment and most importantly for the spiritual growth to be gained in South Korea so that it will not be a mere visit but a visit that bears fruit, fruit that will last. I want to say that l previously suffered because l was disobedient and rebellious but the word of God has changed me into a Bible teacher and shepherd for suffering people. I am going to be a doctor not to make money but to serve people with the word of God and medicine.

I want to extend my gratitude to the missionaries: Samuel Lee’s family and James & Petra Lee and Han Yang center during the time of my suffering. l pray that l may become a devoted servant of God and belong to a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, and also make my country a missionary-sending one. I pray that l may establish a God-fearing family by faith in God’s most appropriate time.

One Word: Be Obedient and Become God's Treasured Possession
