Jonathan Reese's Key Verse Testimony 2014

  • by WMD
  • Jan 15, 2014
  • 1521 reads

Indonesia UBF
January 15, 2014

Key Verse: Numbers 12:3 “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone on the face of the earth.”

Part I. 2013 Year In Review

Last year, I had the same key verse. I made an effort to hold on to it, but I need to renew it for another year. 2013….the year of God’s abundant blessing, and answered prayers. Not long after I returned to my senses via God’s grace and P. Ron’s warm welcome back to Chicago UBF, Msn. Jose A encouraged me to share my testimony, and sing a solo every Friday night, at the Norttheastern Fellowship meeting. He said that if I did this, God would SURELY bless me.

I can remember the smirk that came on my face, and the cynical dialogue that ran through my head…..but I took his advice to heart. Somehow, some way, God enabled me to open my heart, and repent in great detail for my sins! It was like a dream come true, when I heard about a shepherdess in Indonesia, named Frida. Upon seeing her face, she immediately became “Teddy Bear.”

It was amazing that I could have the chance to court her, with the possibility of marriage. But what was even more amazing, was the answered prayer that her country of residence represented for me. In August of 2010, at the Peoria Summer Bible Conference, God granted me His one-sided grace and mercy newly, and enabled me to come forward, and sign a pledge card.

On the pledge card, I indicated that I wanted to go to China as a missionary. The next question, was…..would I be willing to go to a Muslim nation. I said yes. When I met Frida, it was more than meeting my future wife…… was the ripe field of world mission, opening before my eyes! Indonesia is an Asian nation, that has more Muslims in it, than ALL…yes ALL…of the middle east…… combined. I knew without a drop of doubt, that I wanted to be a permanent missionary to Indonesia, and marry Frida, Teddy Bear, by faith.

In preparation for this, there were some HUGE obstacles that suddenly emerged. The last 3 months that I was in the US, were a constant battle. Of course, Satan tried everything he could, to keep me from grabbing what Almighty God had for me. Somehow, by God’s one-sided grace, I was able to stand firm, and got on the plane to come to Indonesia. I brought Matthew 28:18-20 with me, and God helped me to keep it, reminding me that I came to Indonesia, because I was sent by Jesus, to share the Gospel with Indonesian students. AMEN!

In a rather short time, The Lord provided me with a part time job at a Korean Presbyterian church/school, teaching children ages 4-7 English. Also, I have a few students that take private lessons. What a great blessing……..and Teddy Bear works at the same place!

Frida and I have been able to serve 2 young women, with the word of God faithfully. There names are Via, and Eein. I am praying to study God’s word with several Indonesian male students. In the meantime, I met a fellow American, through an Indonesian shepherdess named Grace. She wants to marry him, but only if he demonstrates he is a man of God.

His name is Rick White. He lives in Fort Wayne Indiana. He is almost my age, and his response to the Gospel, is quite encouraging. Please pray for me to enable him, through SKYPE, to study the word of God with him. If it is what God has for him and Grace, I pray that he may come to Indonesia as a missionary, and marry by faith. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.

Part II. 2014 Bible Key Verse

I chose Numbers 12:3 again this year. It reads; “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the whole earth.” As a missionary, I still have a habit of making conversations with others, about me. What I think, what I did, who I knew, where I worked……..More than that, I neglect countless opportunities, to share the Gospel; because I am so busy talking about….myself.

In Indonesia DePok UBF, I have nothing but respect and admiration for the relentlessness of Missionary Peter Lee. He is such an inspiration, and I hope that I have been an encouragement to him. I consider it pure grace, to be able to observe and learn from such a great man of God……who works tirelessly, even to the point of severe illness; to serve us God’s word, and give us direction in Jesus on a regular, in season and out of season basis.

When meditating even a few minutes about God’s grace……who could EVER imagine, that such amazing things would happen in my life??!! I got to 4 years of total sobriety, finished a Teacher TESL program, became a missionary to Indonesia, married a GREAT woman of God, entered an online Masters in Education program, and maintained an English John’s Gospel group Bible study every Saturday afternoon. By co-working with my wife, I found that I deeply love her, and am OVERJOYED that God chose her for me.

The Gospel, is what saved my soul, changed my life direction, and has brought me farther than I could ever imagine. At the same time, this is just the beginning. The Lord has placed me, in a country broken inside and out. Poverty and despair are everywhere, like the air that people breathe.

The immense suffering that I see, is multiplied one million fold, because of the ruthless oppression, and vice-like grip of islam. There is no forgiveness, in the lives of most Indonesians. The women look unbearably sad, like they can’t bear life another minute. The men look restless, filling their days with empty talk and randomness.

But our God, is a God of hope! Who knew that there would be hope for me, sitting in jail, fighting drug and alcohol addiction, living in total rebellion against God! Because of this, I see Indonesia as a nation with GREAT promise! Indonesia should become the HUB for all muslim nation pioneering. That is my constant prayer topic. I believe, by God’s grace, it is ALREADY starting to happen!

My family’s prayer topics are:
1-to have a baby soon
2-for me to get a full-time job
3-for me to learn Bahasa Indonesian by studying it with my wife
4-my masters program…complete the program in 2014
5-that Indonesia may be the HUB for all muslim nation pioneering.


