Urgent Prayer Request for S. Sudan

  • by WMD
  • Jan 20, 2014
  • 857 reads

S. Sudan
January 20, 2014

Please urgently pray for Malakal center in South Sudan. We heard that there has been severe fighting in Malakal for the last three days and people are being killed indiscriminately. They say that the situation is deteriorating from bad to worse. There has been a house-to-house killing of people. Some were killed in their houses and others were killed in their hospital beds. Women are being raped and killed. The UNMISS compound in Malakal is now home to 22,000 people who fled there to seek shelter from the conflict.

Our brothers who are in Juba say that shepherd Peter Angelo and Philip Angelo’s family are now in the compound of UNMISS in Malakal and Shepherdess Regina, who is shepherd Johnson Deng’s wife, fled to an unknown area out of town with a baby who was born three weeks ago. However, we cannot communicate with them because all systems of communication are down now. We don’t know the situation of the other brothers and sisters’ now. All lecturers in the university have moved to Juba, the capital of South Sudan, by a special airplane.

Dr. Oyor Moses is now in Egypt. Shepherd Johnson Deng, shepherdess Rose Peter, and Kimo (Philip’s wife) who delivered a baby two weeks ago are in Juba now. Please urgently pray for peace in South Sudan and our brothers and sisters’ safety.

By M. Andrew Kim (South Sudan)