The Work of God in Denmark 2013

  • by WMD
  • Jan 24, 2014
  • 920 reads

Denmark UBF
January 24, 2014

Key verse: Ephesians 3:7 “I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power.”

God personally gave me Ephesians 3:7 through the European Director’s Conference which was held in Spain December 27-29. Through this word, I realized that I’m the richest man in the world because I became a servant of the gospel by the gift of God’s grace. I made a decision to depend on God’s power which worked in and through me to preach the gospel in 2013.

1. Bible study and daily bread prayer meeting
We have had Sunday worship service with Romans during the first half, and Acts during the second half of 2013. Before Sunday worship service we studied the Bible together deeply and then I delivered a short message. This was my intention to invite new people to Sunday worship service. After the service, we wrote a testimony based on the key verse to build and root our faith in God’s words. At the same time we could make Romans and Acts question sheets and the Bible notes in Danish. We have continuously had a prayer meeting at 8 pm in the evening from Monday to Friday by reading Daily Bread and praying for the world mission and the North European mission. Through this God trained and used our two children as 2nd generation missionaries who would serve the Sunday worship service with music programs. They are grown up in the spiritual environment of prayer and the word of God.

2. Fellowship with other coworkers and Bible conferences
We attended Dr. Samuel Lee’s wedding in Koln UBF in January. Through this event we had a good fellowship with other coworkers in Dusseldorf UBF and Koln UBF. Msn. Pauline Lee and Samuel attended CBF Bible conference in Czech on July 3-7. Then Pauline Jr. and Samuel attended UBF 2nd generation program in Korea in July. Through these events they had a good spiritual fellowship with other 2nd generation missionaries and they learned about the privilege of living as 2nd generation missionaries. Msn. Caleb Lee attended the International Summer Bible conference in USA August 1-4. Through this conference he learned about the work of the Holy Spirit. He also received a vision of making disciples in Denmark.

3. 1:1 Bible study and campus fishing ministry
Thomas has studied the Bible and attended conferences sincerely for four years. However, he stopped studying the Bible last year. We prayed that God would inspire him to study the Bible again. God answered our prayer. In the fall he called me and said that he would study the Bible again. Msn. Caleb Lee has studied Romans with him every week. We pray that we can help him endlessly with hope and faith to be an Abraham of faith in Denmark. Msn. Pauline Lee has had a good fellowship with Anne and Anna. We pray also that she will have Bible study with them. We have prayed and visited Denmark Technical University to meet students and invite them to the Bible study. Even though it seems impossible to make them disciples from a human point of view, we believe that God will grant one Abraham of faith and disciples in Denmark because God loves them so much. In this faith and hope we continuously pray and preach the gospel in DTU.

Prayer topics
1. Raising 1 Abraham of faith and 3 disciples of Jesus by 2019.
2. Bible study of Acts and Sunday worship service
3. Double the ministry in 2014
4. Having a new coworker of mission
5. Msn. Pauline Lee to get a teaching job

Caleb Lee