Dr. James C. Kim had a Special Leture in Chicago UBF

  • by WMD
  • Feb 05, 2014
  • 640 reads

Chicago UBF
February 5, 2014

Created to Change the World

“Then God said, 'Let us make mankind in our image…' So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them…” (Gen 1:26-27)
"He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 'You have answered correctly,' Jesus replied. 'Do this and you will live.'” (LK 10:27-28)

On the Sunday evening of February 2, we held a special meeting with Dr. James CK Kim, president of Yanbian University of Science & Technology (YUST) and Pyongyang University of Science & Technology (PUST). The main sanctuary of Chicago UBF was packed with 250 members, including 50 outside guests from various churches. We praise God for granting us a great victory over the Super Bowl so that we could render glory to God.
The meeting began with the representative prayers of S. Matthew Misurac and Dr. Alan Wolff. Then Miriam Cowen sang a special song entitled, “Make me a Channel of your Peace.” Her song was heart-moving. Presider Rich Ryzewski commented that her song was much better than Super Bowl half-time. Then Dr. Chin Kyung Kim and Ted Yamamori were introduced. Ted was the former international director of Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. He is currently one of the Executive Board of Directors of PUST.
Dr. Kim delivered a message with the title, “Why Are We Created?” We are created in the image of God in order to manage and change the world. How can we change the world? It is possible when we practice “Loveism.” Loveism is based on LK 10:27-28, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus replied, ‘Do this and you will live.’” These two verses emphasize how we should live, practicing the love of God. He gave his personal testimony regarding how he practiced the love of God in China and North Korea. His testimony was really heart-moving. Last year, he was invited to the Prayer Breakfast at the White House and delivered a message based on Loveism. Even Muslim leaders were moved by his Loveism and asked him to build another university like YUST and PUST. As a conclusion, he introduced the seven contents of loveism: “Understand” “Reconcile” “Sacrifice” “Respect” “Forgive” “Say, ‘I am sorry’” “Say, ‘Thank you.’”
After delivering his message, Dr. Kim was presented with an offering of $30,000 (part of our Christmas offering) by P. Mark Vucekovich. The prayer topics were given by P. Ron Ward. He gave us a prayer topic that God may use YUST and PUST for expanding his kingdom work in North Korea and China. The meeting ended with the closing prayers of Elder Jim Rarick, Dr. Paul Hong and Mother Barry.
