The Work of God of West Loop UBF, US

  • by WMD
  • Feb 14, 2014
  • 868 reads

West Loop UBF, US
February 16, 2014

,, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."

The Year 2013 in Review
I thank God for his blessing upon West Loop and my family on 2013. In February, I officially became West Loop Chapter Director. How do I balance this new responsibility in the midst of full time work and other demands? But one clear responsibility was to pray, listen and serve our West Loop members. Our new motto as a ministry is: "Live out the gospel in life and community." We prayed the gospel be applied in our daily life. Whatever situation we may be in, whether good or bad, we may find contentment and resolution in the gospel. In addition, the gospel may live out in community. We prayed West Loop would work together with the local community and churches. Nianzu Ma, a Chinese graduate student studying computer science came to our service. He was part of the Chinese Christian fellowship at UIC. This began a wonderful friendship with their ministry and many Chinese students. Many of them came for Bible study and attended our worship service. Their ministry participated in Seder/Passover dinner organized by our HBF members. Pastor Dave Choi from the Beloved Church and Dr. Ben took turns preaching at each other’s' churches. Dr. John Armstrong and David Lovi also preached at our Sunday Service. We collaborated with IIT, Wright College, COD and Hyde Park ministry by having Open Mic events and joint worship services in December. We had a few seminars throughout the year. Julie and Kevin Jesmer led our Love and Marriage Seminar. Each couple who participated renewed their marriage vows. Elena and I could renew our vows after 22 years of marriage. Tim Fitch led a Men's Stepping up series. The men in the ministry gathered together to learn the biblical view of a man. We celebrated by having a camping trip in Wisconsin. Tim also led a purity workshop later in the year.

Our West Loop 2013 prayer for our Sunday sermons was "The whole counsel of God" (2013)--the entire Bible (). This is also translated "the whole will of God" (NIV), "the whole purpose of God" (NASB), and "the whole plan of God" (HCSB). This refers to the entirety of God's redemptive plan in the entire Bible. Dr. Ben decided to challenge himself to study the book of Revelations. Instead of focusing on the end-times prophecies and the meaning of each disturbing images, he helped us fix our eyes on Jesus who will win the final victory over the forces of evil. While Dr. Ben was in the Philippines, our messengers had a series on the Lord's Prayer. We learn to have the right attitude of prayer before God, how to pray for the world, others and ourselves.

Our HBF members along with a few of their friends participated in several charitable events including "Run Home Chicago"- a 5k run for homelessness, Operation Christmas Child, and gift wrapping at a homeless shelter. We had a graduation celebration where our graduates shared testimonies and our West Loop members came to pray for their entrance to universities. Among them, Steve Asega went to Loyola, Becky Lomahan went to UIC, David Cook and David Henkins went to IIT. The HBF class ended the year with a hilarious and meaningful drama about the spiritual battle based on C.S. Lewis’ book, the Screwtape Letters.

I thank God who blessed my family. Sarah had a chance to study in India while Joshua studied in China. Becky was accepted to UIC. During the winter break, Becky and I had a chance to visit the Philippines. I had a chance to visit my parents in the province. My parents manage a farm. Many residents in his town are poor. My father supports the local community by hiring the residents to work on his farm. Four days before our departure, we had a chance to visit Philippines UBF. It was beautiful to see God's work at Venezuela, Caloocan and Antipolo ministries. In spite of the students personal problems, many of them had joy in Jesus. In Jesus, they are able to work hard in school and serve the ministry. Dr. William gave the daily leadership to Jimmon Paul and Araya. William and Sarah serve as mentors for the students. At Antipolo, 80 students came for Bible study. I led three Bible study sessions and gave the Sunday message.

Key verse for 2014
In this year, I chose as my 2014 key verse. As a steward of West Loop, I pray to help each person may discover and serve based on the gifts gave them. God's grace can be manifested in various forms: Through music, hospitality, teaching, preaching, etc. When they serve based on how God wired them, they will be much happier. To practically apply this verse, we setup an internship program and catered to each participant’s interest. May our internship program bear fruit in 2014. I also pray my words and advice may be gospel-centered. I pray to serve with the strength God provides. By default, I serve based on good intentions or by my will power. But this is very limited. I pray I may serve remembering how Jesus served me. May the grace of God compel me to serve as his servant at West Loop. In November, I attended a Catalyst conference for Christian leaders. One of the speakers, Andy Stanley said something very meaningful. He said pray that your church may create a safe place where sin can be confessed. The culture of confession begins at the pulpit. I pray West Loop may be a safe place where people will experience the grace of Jesus and not condemnation.

Practical application to this key verse:

1. Pray for each of our West Loop members to discover their God given gifts and serve the ministry wholeheartedly.
2. West Loop Church may be a safe place for sinners to come.
3. I pray to remain faithful to personal Bible reading, prayer and read many gospel-centered books.

One word: Serve with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised.

By Rhoel Lomanhan
