Egypt & Malakal UBF Mission Report & Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 19, 2014
  • 993 reads

Egypt and Malakal UBF
February 19, 2014


Key verse: Isaiah 54:2: "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes."

I. 2013 Mission Report

I thank God for using me for the Egypt and South Sudan (Malakal) gospel mission during the last year. I thank God especially for blessing me to attend ISBC 2013 at Indiana University in Pennsylvania with the theme: “So Loved, so Love.” I was so blessed during that conference. God reminded me of his wonderful loving grace and forgiveness. Whenever I hear the phrase “God Loves” I could only see Jesus who died on the cross to save a useless sinner like me. The life I am living and the success I achieved is because of that grace. Otherwise, I would have been lost in drunkenness and an adulterous life. Because of that love I could dedicate the rest of my life to God. Nothing is worth living for more than to live for God and his mission.

Malaklal UBF studied the Book of Acts and part of gospel John which will continue into 2014. God blessed us to learn about him, the Ruler of world history, and how to live a sacrificial life as disciples of Jesus and have a sense of responsibility to the lost people of South Sudan as did the apostles of Jesus. Because of the ongoing crisis in South Sudan, there was a terrible fighting which took place in Malakal. Many people were killed. Thousands were displaced. Despite the difficult situation in South Sudan, God blessed Malakal UBF with growing candidates Sabino and Emmanuelle. We are praying for them to be raised as a shepherd and shepherdess this year. We had the Christmas celebration on December 22 in the house of Shepherds Peter and Philip Angelo. 20 students attended

Egypt is one of the African countries and one of the most important nations among the Arab league. The Egyptian population is about 100 million people. The Christian population is only about 10%. These days Egypt is in a big political crisis as a result of the removal of President Dr. Morsi. Since then Morsi followers who are from a religious sect of Muslim brotherhood violently demanded the reinstatement of Morsi as president of Egypt again. There is a bloody division within the people of Egypt. Because of that crisis many people are losing their lives. The situation is terrible and people in Egypt live in fear. Churches are being burned by the Muslim brotherhood. Christian’s lives are being threatened. In the meantime, the military and police forces are trying to control the situation.

Last year, Egypt UBF has been studying Luke’s gospel with about 15 to 20 attendants. Brother Ayman and his coworker are taking care of Cairo chapter. Momdouh is struggling to establish a second UBF chapter in Asyout University. Thanks to God for answering our prayers.

II. 2014 Egypt UBF prayer topics:

1- Peace and protection to people of Egypt.
2- To have 72 1:1s and Sunday worship attendees
5- Ayman and Mamdouh may grow as excellent Bible teachers and who have world mission vision
6- My family members to have a sense of world mission.

III. 2014 Malakal UBF prayer topics:

1. Peace in South Sudan.
2. We pray to establish one house churche by 2014.
3. 30 one-to-one Bible studies and Sunday worship service
4. Leaders in Malakal to grow as independent Bible teachers and future missionaries.
5. Raise two leaders this year

One Word: Enlarge your tent

Oyor Moses
