Special Thanksgiving for New Graduates in Makerere UBF

  • by WMD
  • Feb 25, 2014
  • 1263 reads

Makerere UBF, Uganda
February 2014

On Feb 16, 2014, Makerere UBF had a special thanksgiving service for those who graduated recently. We thank God for the 23 graduates this year in Makerere UBF. Among them 12 joined the service.
They shared thanksgiving topics and prayer topics including their vows before God. Their names and courses are as follows: Collins (Agricultural Engineering), Perez (Agricultural Engineering), Deanroy (Agricultural Engineering), Andrew (Forestry), Simon (Agricultural Rural Innovation), Deo Gracious (Agricultural Rural Innovation), Eunice (Agricultural Rural Innovation), Eudine (Commerce), Airet (Information Technology), Patience (Medicine), Dominic (Agriculture), James (Law), Juliet (Wood Science), Eve (Agricultural Rural Innovation), Frank (Information Technology), Angela (Agricultural Rural Innovation), Josephine (Agribusiness Management), Godwin (Agricultural Rural Innovation), Zacheous (Forestry), Mercy (Psychology), Caleb (Medicine), Kato Paul (Dentistry), and Sh. Patrick (Pharmacology-PhD).
Dr. Joseph Chung gave them words of encouragement: "Serve and give."
Please pray for them to use their respective professions to serve God and his people and to receive good work placements for God’s glory.

by Dr. Luke Lim
