Korea UBF Staff Meeting Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 27, 2014
  • 1004 reads

Korea UBF
February 27, 2014

“Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns.” (Jer. 4:3) “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Mat. 6:6) “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mat. 6:33)

1. May God send pioneering missionaries to 140 still-unexplored nations by 2041 and send 100,000 professional missionaries to 233 nations.

2. May God empower *P. Abraham Kim with the Word, Spirit, wisdom and power as he serves USA and world mission work. * Dr. John Jun's CME work and Mother Sarah Barry empowered with the Word, the spirit of prayer and good health. *Sh. David Kim : To make a vessel of the Holy Spirit through the word and prayer so that he can serve Korea campus discipleship ministry and world mission work well.

3."The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send outworkers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2)
• All chapter directors: To revive the work of the word through gospel of Matthew study in the new semester and to serve 5000 teams of one to one discipleship through the power of the Holy Spirit.

4. To pray for those who are sick to be healed:
• Huan Baek (Venezuela, for recovery from Glaucoma, Gwanak5 UBF); Susana Baek (Venezuela, for recovery from stomach surgery, Gwanak5 UBF); Thomas Kang (Mishmash, Japan-for full recovery from Parkinson's disease, Hanyang UBF); Anna Bang (second gen)( Kirgizstan- Mark and Ruth Bang, 11years old, for full recovery from her ear surgery, Inchon UBF); Paul Bang (second gen) (Kirghistan- Mark & Ruth Bang, 8 years old, for the Treatment of ADHD, Inchon UBF); John Doty(Kentucky USA, for recovery of his heart, Wife: Grace Doty, Yonhee UBF); Samuel Kum ( Koln2, Marks & Anna Kum, thank God for recovering through rehabilitation, Yonhee UBF); ( Jakarta Indonesia, for recovery of her sight; Susana Cha (England, third stage of ovarian cancer, Anam2 UBF); Mary Kim ( Jakarta Indonesia, for chemotherapy after the surgery from the rectum cancer, Namsan UBF); Lydia Lee (Greece, for recovery after the surgery of hysterectomy, Chongro7 UBF); Timothy Park (Humber Canda, for chemotherapy due to reoccurred his leukemia, Chongro2 UBF); Chang Dae Lee ( Son of Sh. James Lee - Choongchung UBF 10 years old) : for boosting of his immunity after lienectomy and for recovery of the four toes of his left foot after the surgery due to the traffic accident.

5. For healing of those who are ill in Korea:
• Philip Lee (Wharang UBF): for his chemotherapy treatments and for his digestive system to be restored to normal - His wife: Eunice Lee

6. For the end of the civil war in South Sudan and for the kingdom of God to come upon the nation; protection of M. Andrew Kim and native brothers and sisters.

7. For healing of the people of Ukraine from the wounds caused by division and conflict and for watching over M. Peter Kim, John Lee and native brothers and sisters.

Continental Coordinators: North America: Elijah Lee, Paulus Shin, Mid-South America: Moses Kim (Hakmo), CIS: Dr. James Suh, Wesley Yoon, Oceania: Stephan Ahn, Africa: Moses Yoon, Europe: Paul Kim, Joseph Lee, Asia : Kisung Eum, Middle East: Moses Lee, Isaac Choi