The Work of God in Poland UBF, 2013

  • by WMD
  • Feb 27, 2014
  • 989 reads

Poland UBF
February 27, 2014

Feed My Lambs

John 21:15 – “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

Through reflecting on 2013, I want to catch the spiritual direction for 2014.

I. Shepherd Ministry

In the last year, Poznan members have studied Luke’s gospel, and Warsaw has finished the entire gospel of Mark. We have shepherded new Bible students. Pawel Zaleski has been studying one to one Bible study in the gospel of John; he has responded to the Bible with faith and doubt, and with joy and difficulty he accepts it. And through internet web advertisement of language exchange offer, we met sister Ula, who is a senior at Warsaw Technical University, together cooking Korean food and teaching Korean-Polish languages to each other.

Missionary Hanna Lee of Poznan UBF has been studying Genesis with Sister Joanna who is preparing to be a Korean faculty member of Poznan University next year. Brother Zbygniew Maciantowicz has attended Sunday worship service continuously, and Missionary Elijah Park has been keeping spiritual relationship with Tomasz and Zbygniew through sports fellowship. One to one Bible study with new sheep can be a good spiritual challenge and a change for the others who have been keeping the relationship for many long years.

II. Missionary Life and 2nd Generation Missionaries’ Faith

By God’s mercy, Missionary Elijah Park had a great victory in two important Polish projects which were announced in daily newspapers. He gained Polish citizenship and became a European citizen. He is asking for God’s grace to be a good shepherd for Polish people.

Missionary Deborah Park has been faithfully serving sisters, Ula, Dorota and Agnieszka. She has been working in KOTRA, doing one to one Bible study with the 2nd generation missionaries.

Missionary Henry Lee of Poznan UBF has worked in Samsung Poznan. His working conditions were not good for ministry because of hard work daily and on weekends. We all have prayed for God’s help, even having the intention to quit our jobs, if God allows. God replied to our prayer and his faith, and God helped him to get rid of his burdens and restore good working conditions thanks to his company’s restructuring program, encouraging workers to finish their daily work on time. He now earnestly prays to find new Bible students.

Missionary Hanna Lee finished as a Polish faculty in Poznan University, raising four small children. Now she is making good progress writing her Master’s thesis. She prays to finish her Master’s degree in Polish language next year and to start working in the University of Poznan as a lecturer.

We have two families and seven 2nd generation missionaries. Our 2nd generation missionaries had a good opportunity to grow up in their faith through participating in the European 2nd Generation Missionaries’ conference in Czech Republic in July of last year. Also, last summer, Missionaries Samuel and Anna Lee of Zimbabwe visited Warsaw and Poznan; they served brothers Tomasz, Zbygniew and Sister Joanna very personally through her life testimony sharing and prayer.

Personally, together with coworkers, I have spent one year focused on praying for one faithful Abraham and Sarah in Poland.

III. Spiritual Direction and Prayer Topics for 2014

I decided to hold on to one word, John 15:5, again, aiming to love Jesus more than before in this world full of materialism and egoism and to be a good shepherd and missionary to feed Jesus’ lambs. We pray that each missionary may have three one to one Bible studies per week and to establish ancestors of faith, Abraham and Sarah in Polish mission.

Prayer topics:
1. To love Jesus and feed Jesus’ lambs.
2. To study three one to one Bible weekly.
3. To invite 4 Bible students to European Summer Bible Conference.
4. To teach Bible to 2nd generation missionaries to be grown up spiritually.

Elijah Park
