Kyambogo UBF Report, 2013

  • by WMD
  • Feb 28, 2014
  • 1012 reads

Kyambogo UBF, Uganda
February 28, 2014

John 4:35 “Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.’”

I. 2013 Review

We started the year 2013 by accepting the vision of Christ Jesus. Though we had many challenges, instead of looking down, we wanted to see our mission field and harvest the ripe crops. By His grace, I could find favor before God.

1. Easter Conference: We had Easter conference with the Makerere brethren. Shepherd Patrick and Shepherd Dan served as the main messengers. This conference was served by Ugandan leaders. All the arrangements were done by Makerere and Kyambogo leaders. We could learn resurrection faith through the conference.

2. Bethesda Medical Mission: Bethesda Medical Center completed its construction work and had a thanksgiving service on Feb. 9, 2013. Dr. John Jun together with other coworkers from all over the world visited Uganda and delivered a message for the service. We have prayed for the center for a long time and made many offerings. I praise God who blessed our prayers and offerings. The Kigulis attended the service and thanked God together. After the service, we had a medical camp in Kapchorwa area and treated many people with the love of God. Our coworkers from the USA and Germany as well as Korea participated in the mission. We could also make a master plan to develop Bwebajja side. Our coworkers participated in this work; especially S. Dan worked hard for this. We do not know when we will be able to develop this; at least, however, we could share our dreams in the Lord. Someday, the Lord will bless our vision in His time. Amen.

3. The KTC Project: Since our Bible center was taken away by a corrupt politician in March of 2011, we had a lot of difficulties in Kyambogo ministry. We searched for suitable land around the campus for our Bible center, but found none. We made a proposal of Knowledge Transfer Center to get a lease from the university, but could not find a suitable NGO that could carry out the proposal to KyU. We made contact with three possible Korean institutes, but could not find positive answers. Then God took pity on us. In April, when I visited Korea to see Sam Jr., I visited Ansan church and met the people in Good Partners. They wanted to do some medical work in Gulu. I met them again in Uganda in the same month and gave them the concept note of the KTC project and asked them to consider it as a prospective project. But there was no response from GP until July when I got a call from Elder Chung. He informed me that GP had decided to accept the project and asked us to start communicating with Kyu. On July18, there was a science conference organized by UNCST and Korea NRF at the Golf Hotel. I had a presentation for the conference and many vice chancellors of Ugandan universities attended the conference including acting vice chancellor of KyU. S. Julius had known him already and we met him and discussed the KTC project while having lunch. Prof. Nabugoomu showed a positive response. All our shepherds gathered together and polished the concept note and sent it to the office of the vice chancellor in early August. The acting vice chancellor did not act as we had expected. Actually, it might not be easy for him to do something in such a complicated campus situation. There was a power struggle for leadership and lecturers were on strike while students also started a demonstration against the lecturers. We kept calling and sending text messages and emails to the acting vice chancellor, but there was no response. S. Julius drafted a letter for GP and sent it to the office of the vice chancellor, but still there was no response. In November Prof. Ndiege resumed his office by the decision of the Uganda court. We could not tell what would happen in the campus, but prayed to the Lord. By His grace, we could meet Prof. Ndiege and resubmit the document to him. On Dec. 16 we got an official letter from KyU. KyU accepted our concept note and decided to make a committee to discuss the issue. Elder Chung planned to visit Uganda at the end of the year to see if there was any progress in regard to the KTC project, but he cancelled his schedule due to the delayed response of the university. It might not be easy for him to wait for the response in this way, but he expressed his trust in us and waited patiently. Until the very last day of the year, our shepherds met together and made the proposal. Even S. Albert of MAK joined us to assist us in making a business plan. We should now discuss the contents of the proposal with GP and KyU, and then make a MOU. There are many uncertainties to carry out this project. However, all of us prayed hard for this project for a long time without giving up. I praise the Lord who has given us a never-giving-up spirit and listened to our cries at the opportune time. I am proud of our coworkers who continue to pray for this project. I believe in the Lord who has begun a good work and who will carry out His work to the end and reveal His glory. Amen

4. Growth of brethren:
Even if we do not have a proper Bible center and could not have a conference to invite freshmen, God used our prayers and 1:1 Bible studies preciously. Sister Irene is about to become a shepherdess. Brother Isaac finished his study in the campus, but comes to Kyambogo every weekend, having Sunday service and visiting the campus to share the word of God. Brother Gerald has a holy desire to live by faith (never missed writing testimonies after BS) and invited all his roommates to Bible studies and Sunday service. He even started teaching the word of God to some brothers on campus. He initiated and serves praise and worship during Sunday service. His roommate, Brother Isaac, served our service by playing guitar. Brother Vincent attended the campus Morning Prayer meeting though it was irregular. They study the word of God with S. Dan. Sisters Ruth, Martha, Liz and Winnie study the word of God rather regularly with M. Mary and S. Beatrice. Sister Flavia and Joan studied with S. Barbara. Brother Nelson started attending our Sunday service with his family members. He has a desire to live as a Bible teacher and shepherd. Brother Arnold and Fiona and Sisters Noela and Regina attended our Christmas service together and S. Noela offered her tithe on that day. Sister Enid serves praise and worship voluntarily. We pray for Brother Job to resume his Bible study and come to worship service.

5. Morning Prayer meeting on campus and resuming fellowship meeting.
S. John sincerely serves MPM, and Brother Gerald is a regular member. They serve the campus through intercessory prayers. I thank God that we could start each new day with his word and prayer. May the Lord bless this prayer meeting and raise many disciples of Jesus in Kyambogo.
Fellowship meetings had to be abandoned for some time. But this year, we could resume the program.

6. Getting jobs
S. Sarah, Barbara, Ruth and S. Dan got jobs in the mission field. We thank God for this and keep praying for other brothers who are looking for jobs to get good ones in the mission field.

7. S. Kenneth’s wedding with Sister Liz.
Through the wedding, S. Kenneth left common life together. Though I congratulated his wedding, at the same time I was worried about his spiritual condition. But he serves all our music programs sincerely. I pray that he may build an exemplary house church with Sister Liz.

8. Christmas service.
On December15, we had Christmas service at Kyambogo with Makerere brethren. More than 130 people attended and glorified God with worship programs. Kyambogo brethren glorified God through music programs. During this period, I was sick and bedridden, but our leaders shared the responsibilities of serving and actively served the service. I was greatly touched by our sacrificial leaders. On the day of service, our brethren woke up early in the morning and made preparations for the service.

9. Shepherd Julius got Ph.D degree.
Under His grace, S. Julius finished his Ph.D. study and made a successful public defense and became Dr. Julius Ecuru. We praise God for this and pray for S. Julius to glorify His name more actively through his degree. We also pray for our leaders who are doing master’s degrees (S. Kenneth, Joh, and Alison) to finish the course by faith.

II. 2014 Key Verse

John 15:5: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. If we remain in Jesus, He remains in us. When we remain in Jesus, we receive the “juice” of life from Him and can live a fruitful life. This is the only way to live a fruitful life. Living a fruitful life is very important, because it is God’s will for us.
In the new year, I pray we may bear much fruit in Jesus in every way.

Prayer Topics

1. Finding our Bible center and growth in number and maturity.
2. Pioneering work: Nkumba (Dan) and IUIU and UCU Mbale (Ronald)
3. Successful KTC project: getting Bible center, contribution to KyU, and getting jobs
4. Experiencing the power of His word through 1:1 Bible studies
5. House churches
6. Good health for all our brothers and sisters

My personal key verse for 2013 was 1 Samuel 7:12 “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far has the LORD helped us.’” At the end of the year, I praise the God of Ebenezer. Though I am an unworthy sinner, He always has mercy on me and uses me for His purpose. What is greater than this grace!
He also listened to my prayer topics in 2013.

He gave me power to deliver Sunday messages and serve our leaders through GBS. I could teach the word of God to the campus students and graduates. (B. Gerald, Nelson, William, Arnold, Fiona, Noela, Regina studied regularly. B. James, Derrick studied irregularly.)
I could extend my contract with KOICA for another year and support my family and ministry financially, and be appointed as the/an Hon. Professor in Makerere University.

KMS project has been always a great burden to me. Though I tried hard for this project, God has given me a new direction. NCHE delayed the process accusing of many problems in Kumi University, and Kumi University had new administrators including the chairman of board of trustees, the chancellor and the VC. Due to such problems, the medical team drew the plan to implement a medical school at Kumi and tried to find other universities to begin the medical school. Now, the burden of working as the founding dean is over. May the Lord give the team a clear direction!

I thank God that He has been with my family. Grace did well in her working place, LM has finished her undergraduate study, and Sam Jr went to the marines and received all hard training well.

I suffered from flu and Malaria. I was bed ridden for almost 1 month. During this period, I could have good rest, resume my hope in the kingdom of God, and enjoy seeing our faithful leaders.

I personally pray for:

1. Powerful message
2. Job
3. My family: Grace to come to Uganda, LM to find a job, Sam Jr. in army service. Most of all, for their spiritual growth.

One Word: Bear much fruit in Jesus!

Dr. Samuel Yoo
