New Year Key verse and Report from Lagos UBF, Nigeria

  • by WMD
  • Mar 05, 2014
  • 1291 reads

Lagos UBF, Nigeria
March 5, 2014

Meditate on it Day and Night

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:7,8)

I. Annual Review of 2013

1. God’s work through new year key verse
“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” (Psalm 1:2)
I wanted to meditate on God’s word and rejoice in it all throughout the year. In the course of the business challenge with LG, I was forced to rest in God’s words and overcome all fear welling up in my heart by declaring the word of God from my mouth.

2. Personal Bible study
We studied 1 Samuel, Romans and Philippians during the year. Messages were delivered by three messengers in Lagos chapter I, II and Medilag (LUTH) respectively.

3. 1:1 Battle and Bringing New Students
Three intern shepherds were with us over six months. They kept the 1:1 Bible battle faithfully. They really brought new spirit into the ministry. After their departure, M. Underwood continued the 1:1 battle to keep the new students. But from June, lecturers nationwide went on strike for over six months. Then all students left for home making it difficult for us to keep 1:1 Bible studies and SWS last year. The school officially is going to resume on January 6, 2014. We are going back to school to invite students for 1:1 Bible study.

4. Conference
The November conference was held at Redeem Camp Nov 28 to Dec 1 with the title, “God So Loved Us.” The University of Lagos is closed due to the lecturers’ strike. We chose the same Bible chapters as in the international conference in Indiana but kept the different contents of messages. God blessed the conference greatly by planting the love of God through various messages. We prayed to pioneer other campuses in Nigeria and West Africa. LUTH (Medilag) chapter had 12 participants, Lagos II, 10 and Lagos I, 27. The total number of participants was 49.

i) Messengers:
The opening message based on Philippians 3:1-11 was delivered by Bro. Anu (Math Education, Grad.). Missionary Underwood Moon served evening message. He has come to Nigeria in order to serve students as a Bible teacher. He taught us to love one another. Bro Tayo a graduate of mass communication works with an NGO. He prays to be a lecturer at the university. His message was based on John 14:1-31. Sheps. Chiaka who is pioneering FUNAI campus in Ebonyi state about 1,000 km distance from Lagos delivered the message with the title “Open Your Eyes” based on John 4:35-38. Her message was spirit-filled to open our eyes to see the vision of Jesus. Shep. Thompson (Cell Biology & Genetics, Grad.) who is working in NNPC delivered his message based on John 15:1-27. Shep. Thompson struggled to remain in NNPC (National Oil). I pray for him to remain in Jesus forever so that he shall serve God’s flock throughout his life time. Shep. Ben who is a lawyer delivered the message based on John 19:16b-42 with the title, “It is finished.” His message was so spirit-filled. Bro Ibukun a pharmacy graduate delivered his message based on John 20:1-29. The Risen Jesus commanded Mary, “Go instead to my brothers and tell them I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”

ii) Testimony sharers:
Bro. Moses who is a senior in school shared his testimony. Sheps Elizabeth Bunmi confessed her sins earnestly and desired to live maturely in character as a woman of God. Bro Muywa studies Creative art. He confessed that even though he was Christian he lived a sinful life. He wants to prove his life to Jesus showing his commitment to his mission work. Sister Seun got admission to medical lab sciences even though she is schooling in FCE presently. She is determined to live a new life in Jesus. Sister Latifat who studies medical lab has a Muslim background. But she found the way in Jesus without fear. She is determined to live for Jesus. Sister Comfort who majored in education has 13 siblings and is from a poor background. She struggled to raise some funds for tuition fee all by herself. She studied Bible and decided to build herself up to live a new life of mission. Sister Chioma studied electrical engineering and graduated and served her NYSC presently. Her mother died due to cancer. However, the love of God in “who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” filled her and changed her life. Sister Emilia lived a double-life. But she decided to live for Jesus Christ. Bro Tonny (Christian religion 3) fell in addiction by drinking, drug and gambling. He has a willing desire to live the new life depending on the power of the word of God. Bro. Bidemi (medical surgery 5) was raised by the mother and lived an immoral life. But he met Jesus Christ personally and is growing through 1:1 Bible study. We pray for all the testimony sharers to be good Bible teachers and shepherds like Jesus.

5. Co-working and second generation’s education
Lagos I, Lagos II and Medilag chapters are working together. We gathered together for Bible studies on Saturday. We held the Easter conference and November conference and Christmas worship service together.

God granted Peter Jr admission to Sungkunkwan University. All children got admission into the university by the grace of God. My first daughter Monica studies international law and psychology in Handong Univ. and the last daughter Hannah studies English and international relations in HUFS and the middle son Peter got admission to study English and global management in the university. I pray for them now to grow as Bible teachers and live for the glory of God in their life time. M. Monica Park is staying in Korea due to her health issue. I pray for her quick recovery and her coworking with me and others.

6. Special Thanksgiving topics
I thank God who granted Shep. James and Fato a US visa. Shep. James was even chosen to be a messenger for the international conference. It was a great blessing for our ministry. Shep. James has a great vision to be a spiritual leader for young students in Nigeria. Peter Jr got admission to the university which was a God-given joy to us. Also, God granted me Nigerian citizenship by his grace.

II. Vision and Strategy for 2014

1. New Year Key Verse for 2014
“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:7, 8 )

God trained me over 24 years in Nigeria. He knows the best way where I must move my feet. I must meditate on the word of God through morning devotion and weekly Bible studies and personal Bible reading over 15 chapters daily and a message weekly. God will surely bless and make me successful spiritually and financially by the meditation of His the word day and night.

2. Bible Academy and Conference Agenda
The University of Lagos is going to open on January 6. We must invite students to our Bible Academy in order to have old and new students. After that we can lead them to our Easter and summer conference.

3. Strategy to double attendants for SWSA and 1:1 in 2014
I myself will go to school at least once a week to fish students. There are so many students ripe for harvest just waiting for shepherds. I will have group Bible studies with old and new students to have 12-24 numbers every week. On Sunday I have to use a bus and all forms of transportation to bring students to the Sunday service. Sunday messages must be prepared one week in advance and I pray to receive the Holy Spirit and rehearse, at least, 12 times by faith in the promise of Jesus. We have to pray to have 70 for Lagos I, 25 for Lagos II and 25 for Medilag.

4. Special prayer topics
I must pray to know whether I may return to Korea or stay in Nigeria according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I am waiting for one more sign for the success of my poultry farm business to pay back all my debt and establish many pioneering chapters in Nigeria if God wants me to stay and remain here some years more. I pray to get a house to invite my wife Monica to stay separately from the center. If this is completed, I will believe God wants me to stay some more years in Nigeria.

Prayer topics

1. God’s leading for my destination
2. Establish house churches for Ben, Tayo, Ibukun, Sabastine
3. For 120 SWSA and 1:1s in all three chapters
4. Successful business through the poultry farm

by Peter Park
