Makerere UBF Mission Report & Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Mar 10, 2014
  • 1121 reads

Makerere UBF, Uganda
March 10, 2014

Praise and thank God for God’s hands upon Makerere UBF in 2013. Last year, according to 2 Timothy 2:15 our motto was “To be excellent Bible teachers by dedicating ourselves to study and to observe and to teach God’s word with full devotion.” When I review 2013, God enabled us to progress spiritually, physically, academically, socially and in many other ways. We grew in number and in quality. In addition, there were many achievements such as academic achievements of two PhD degrees completed, five Master’s degrees, two passing exams of LDC (Law Development Center), having new children, acquiring property and so on. God answered our prayers sincerely and faithfully.

1) The work of God’s words
Through God’s word 25 student shepherd candidates were raised and trained to grow as shepherds. Among the 25 candidates five were raised as shepherds on New Year’s Day of 2014. They are Zaccheus, Collins, Michael, Tom, and Nakato. We have studied the books of Samuel and Romans in 2013 and we are currently studying the gospel of Luke. We pray that we may raise 12 new shepherd candidates this year among faithful Bible students. As God’s word grew in power, the ministry grew gradually. The number of SWS attendees became 70-80s.

2) Fellowships’ growth
The average number of attendees in every Thursday fellowship is more than 40. This year the theme of Thursday fellowship was “God’s view of life questions” We have chosen 14 life questions in the first semester. Each fellowship prepared sharing one topic based on God’s word in turn. We have five fellowships. They are Spirit, Ebenezer, Jireh, Royal Priesthood, Livingstone fellowship. Fellowship leaders are Shep. Abraham, Patrick, Steven, Allan, and Kennedy. Each fellowship was given a mission to pioneer one campus in Kampala and neighboring cities. Ebenezer fellowship pioneered Nkumba University which is over 20km away from Makerere Bible center. Jireh fellowship prayed for pioneering UCU (Uganda Christian University) in Mukono while Royal Priesthood fellowship prayed for Ndeje University. Shep. Patrick and Ebenezer fellowship coworkers continued to visit Nkumba University every Monday and served two group Bible studies every week with more than eight regular attendees. Bro. Abaasa who has been leader of Nkumba UBF invited Bro. Jude and is training him to take over Nkumba leadership since brother Abaasa will be completing his studies soon. Our prayer is that each fellowship may pioneer at least one university by faith.

3) Mission coworkers
Msn Livingstone Kang serves as a faithful Bible teacher and also as a physician in Bethesda Medical Center. Msn Grace Kang invites many sheep and works as a pharmacist in Bethesda Medical Center. After attending healing mission, Theresa Sung from Canada also joined our ministry as a student missionary. She is now a 2nd year medical school student and invites many medical students to our fellowship and to one to one Bible studies. She also leads sisters’ fellowship and serves CBF faithfully.
Msn. Dr. Joseph Chung worked hard at Bethesda Medical Center to take care of sick children and fed many sheep and native leaders day and night. Last year he was chosen as the best worker among 17 staffs of Bethesda Medical Center. He conducted more than ten one to one Bible studies every week. Esther Chung also served many flock of sheep and cooked food for them and fed them physically and spiritually.
Msn. David and Abigail served Ugandan ministry the last five years faithfully. Msn. David helped construction work of Bethesda Medical Center and Msn. Abigail served Bethesda Medical Center as an accountant and deputy administrator. They served Livingstone fellowship from the beginning and raised shepherd Zaccheus, Alpha, Brother Andrew and sister Angela.

4) Rwanda Mission Work
Msn. Moses pioneered Rwanda campus in 2011. Msn. Moses planted the seed of God’s word in SFB (School of Finance and Banking) of Kigali and returned back to Uganda at the end of 2012. May God raise new missionaries to Rwanda so that God’s salvation work in Rwanda may continue. There are coworkers who graduated from Makerere University and got jobs in Rwanda. They are brothers James, John Bosco, Augustine and Herbert. There are some Bible students whom Msn. Moses had helped. We plan to have the first UBF Bible conference in Rwanda on Feb, 2014. May God use this conference to plant world mission vision in Ugandan leaders and to open the way for Rwanda campus mission.

5) House Church ministry and communal life training
Shep. Michael is going to be wed on Feb 1 and Shep. Albert is going to establish his house church soon. I pray that God may raise many exemplary Biblical house churches.
We have seven brothers who are staying together in the tent next to the Bible center. From last July those who want communal life should apply for it with clear motive and decision of faith to follow and to observe all regulations and guidelines of communal life. They had to participate in morning devotion, fellowship meeting, and communal life prayer meeting. They had to write Sunday message testimony and share it together. It is my prayer that they may grow as spiritual leaders who are responsible and faithful servants of God through their communal life.

6) CBF ministry
God has also greatly increased our children’s ministry and over 14 children regularly attend CBF service. We teach God's word to our children. Every week two servants among the shepherd candidates’ group serve CBF ministry. We pray that God can help our children to be raised as future partakers in our ministry through the faith of their parents.

7) Dedication of BMC new building
The Bethesda Medical Center new building construction work was completed and dedicated to God on Feb. 9, 2013. We thank God for worldwide UBF coworkers who offered Christmas offering for BMC project. This offering has been used to purchase medical equipment such as modernized Ultrasound scan, laboratory equipment, endoscopic machine, operation bed and lamp, anesthetic machine, patient monitor, generator and so on. May God use Bethesda Medical Center to be a healing center for Africa spiritually and physically and to be the most reliable quality medical facility in Uganda and in Africa!

8) Healing Mission
From February 11 to 14, 2013, the 6th UBF Healing mission camp was carried out at Kapchorwa district. 40 international coworkers from Korea, Germany, and USA joined the annual UBF healing mission in Uganda. A free eye camp was held at BMC on July 14 – 20, 2013. Many blind people restored their sight and praised God.
Our 2014 key verse is 2 Tim 4:2 “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.” I pray that each one of our ministry members may dedicate himself to preach the word in season and out of season so that we may advance the season of Christ.

2014 Prayer topics
1. Pray for preaching the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.
2. Pray for raising 12 new student shepherd candidates
3. Pray for establishing two exemplary Biblical house churches: Michael, Albert
4. Pray for each fellowship to pioneer a new campus: Nkumba, UCU, Ndejje, KIU
5. Pray for Rwanda mission: plant foundation for pioneering work, send new missionary, 1st Rwanda UBF Bible conference
6. Pray for communal life members to grow as future leaders: The tent may be a spiritual training place; pray for starting sisters’ communal life
7. Pray for God's hands upon Bethesda Mission Hospital project and Bwebaza development, sending more mission coworkers, partnership with other organization

Dr. Luke Lim
