Beautiful Wedding News in Egypt

  • by WMD
  • Mar 12, 2014
  • 1079 reads

Egypt UBF
March 12, 2014

On Feb 29, 2014 God blessed Egypt UBF with a beautiful house church between Mamdouh Salah and Evon. Mamdouh and his co-worker are struggling to establish a second UBF chapter in Asyout University.

God blessed them with 4 students from Asyout University. UBF Cairo, Egypt is studying Luke’s gospel with about 20 attendants. Brother Ayman and his coworker are taking care of Cairo chapter.

They will have a 2014 Easter conference April 2 – 4. It will be a joint conference between Cairo and Asyout chapters.

Please pray for the following prayer topics:

1- 40 Easter conference attendants
2- Messengers (Ayman, Mamdouh, Kemil, Mondy, Samir, Ashraf and Oyor)
3- Peace and protection to the people of Egypt
4- To have 72 1:1s and Sunday worship attendees
5- Ayman and Mamdouh may grow as excellent Bible teachers with world mission vision
6- M. Andrew Kim's move to Egypt this summer
