Wuppertal UBF Update

  • by WMD
  • Apr 04, 2014
  • 1677 reads

Wuppertal UBF, Germany
April 4, 2014

The coworkers of Wuppertal UBF are Paul & Sarah Sohn Youk (with Paul Benjamin and Sofie), Josef & Ruth Hong, John Youk, Jonathan Hong and Sarah Youk. Presently, M. Sarah Sohn from Chicago is also in Wuppertal.

Wuppertal UBF key verse for 2014 is Matt. 5:14, "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden."

Wuppertal UBF Prayer Topics

• To live as lights of the world and to share the gospel message in a spiritually relevant way
• To open their homes and share their lives with spiritually needy young people
• To consider themselves as one family in Christ
• To raise disciples of Jesus from among Wuppertal students

With whole-hearted prayer for each of the seven, we commissioned them to serve God among their peers.

We are grateful for the prayer support from across Germany and Europe and especially from Chicago UBF as well. Please keep them in your prayers.

God bless you always.

In Jesus' love,



Currently, we have several new students who joined our worship service. They are Anne, Joel, Natalie, Judith, Ahn, Martyna, and Valeria. We pray that they may begin 1:1 Bible study. I have already begun Bible study with Martyna and Katie.

As you know, my mother has been with us the last couple months. She will be flying back to Chicago in two weeks. Within the three months she's been here, the ministry has grown through her prayer and by serving the coworkers and students. Please pray for me that I may be able to serve God's words through Bible study and that the students may receive Jesus as their Savior.

Prayer topics:

Paul Youk: 1:1 with Patrick Kaupe, Sunday messages
Sarah Youk: 1:1 with Nicky, Marcia, Martyna, Katie, and Anne
Jonathan Hong: 1:1 with Vy, Sunday messages
Josef Hong: 1:1 with Peter Truong
John Youk: He serves the Thursday group Bible study
Sarah Youk and Ruth Hong serve the ministry tirelessly and faithfully behind the scenes. These two spend time with our Bible students throughout the week, outside of 1:1 and Sunday service.

I am so thankful for your prayer support.

God bless you,

