A Letter from Damon Londrigan, an American Missionary to Korea

  • by WMD
  • Apr 22, 2014
  • 990 reads

Korea UBF
April 22, 2014

"But whose delight is on the Law of the LORD, and who meditates on His law day and night(Psalm1:2)

Hello dear servants of God!

As you may know I am teaching at a private, Christian boarding school in Seosan. Actually the school is way out in the country and is nowhere near the city of Seosan (20 km at least).

The school's name is Dream School and it really is just that. The school's motto is "Embrace the World With His Love" and the focus of the school is to provide a Christian education. It really is a dream to be working here. God has granted me two ministries. One is here at the school with the students and one is in Seoul serving an English group Bible study and worship service at Anam Center.

My first prayer topic has to do with both ministries and with my key verse. That prayer topic is based on Psalm 1:2 "But whose delight is on the Law of the LORD, and who meditates on His law day and night." I want to meditate on God's Law and the gospel day and night so that I am prepared to share it with anyone wherever I am.

The ministry at the school is very interesting because it is happening everyday while I'm at work. I teach English, but I am encouraged to teach the Bible and its principles as well. This is nothing like a public school here in Korea or in America and it is really a dream job. I try to spend as much time as I can with the students. By doing this I accomplish two things. First, I teach them English because I always talk to them in English and asked them to answer me in English. The second thing I accomplish will be even more important over time. The situation here is quite unique. I live with these students on a very small campus so I see them morning, noon and night five to six days a week. I also have special ministry here. I like to cook and the students like to eat, so once or twice a week I cook for three to five students. This is a very good time to spend about an hour and a half with a small group of students and get to know them. I can share my testimony and get to know them personally. Please pray for this dinner ministry. My second prayer topic is to teach the students about Jesus' love. I pray to embrace them with the same love that Jesus embraced me so that in the future they can embrace the world with His love.

My third prayer topic has to do with the English ministry in Seoul. This is my most difficult prayer topic, because quite frankly, it is very difficult for me. Every Saturday I to travel to Seoul to have a group Bible study and on Sunday we have an English worship service. I haven't been so faithful to the Saturday GBS. This really bothers me because I feel that it is my mission. On Saturdays I have to get up very early to catch a ride with a co-worker to Seoul or walk to Daesan to catch a bus to Seosan in order to get another bus to Seoul in time for the GBS. I must admit that I have not done this on a few occasions - last Saturday was one of those occasions. Another thing that bothers me is that I don't go out to the Korea University campus very often on Saturday afternoons. I want to use Saturday afternoons to go out on the campus and invite students to meet Jesus, but I usually don't do this. I rationalize this by saying that I need a break and I have to prepare the message anyway. My third prayer topic is to serve this English ministry with my whole heart. We are praying for 30 faithful Sunday worship service attendants (right now we have about 16).

My final prayer topic is simple and basic. The prayer topic is that I learn Korean. Please pray that I can find two to four hours everyday to study Korean. This may sound like a simple thing, but for me this is really difficult. I am an English teacher, I always talk to my students in English, the adults around me want to learn English and I have to prepare an English message and Bible study questions every week. All of this make it very difficult for me to learn Korean but it is an urgent prayer topic for me.

Thank you and everyone for your prayers.

May God Richly Bless You,
