Zimbabwe UBF Easter Conference

  • by WMD
  • Apr 25, 2014
  • 913 reads

Zimbabwe UBF
April 25, 2014

We held an Easter conference from April 11-13. When we prayed for 70 attendants, with the majority being Korean language course students and students that did Bible study with us, there were more than 70 students who attended the conference. This time, most of the attendees are doing one to one Bible study.

The first day, Shepherd Last delivered, “It is Finished”, based on John 19. His message moved many attendees’ hearts when he testified that he repented his cultural Christian life-style and deeply accepted Jesus’ death on the cross.

Shepherd Obet delivered on Jesus’ resurrection based on Jn 20. We could hear Jesus’ voice saying, “Why are you Crying?” Through the resurrection of Jesus, we have the peace of God and the Holy Spirit, forgiveness of sins and mission from risen Jesus.

Shepherd Lovemore delivered, “Feed my Sheep” based on Jn 21. He experienced a shepherd’s love and became a fellowship leader. Through visiting Korea last year, he has learned to become a responsible shepherd for the sheep, even though he was very busy for his last year medical course. He prays to serve two medical students faithfully.

We had a book symposium, “Not a Fan,” written by Kyle Idleman. Sister Faith, Sandra, More-blessing and Patricia divided this book into four parts. It taught us to grow from fans to full-time followers of Christ. This book helps a lot to re-examine our relationship with Christ.

After the message, the attendees shared their Bible testimonies. Brother Simba’s testimony was deeply touching. “I have turned from chasing after girls to focusing on my spiritual growth now. I have decided to always look at Jesus and not girls as I used to. I have decided to be devoted in teaching the Bible to university students. Focusing and understanding the scripture is now my main goal. Saying goodbye to girls was indeed a blessing. I have now committed most of my time to Bible study and my academic studies, focusing on being a future leader.” We pray to raise true disciples of Jesus in our generation.
