Cologne UBF Easter Bible School

  • by WMD
  • Apr 30, 2014
  • 1182 reads

Cologne UBF, Germany
April 30, 2014

“You are witnesses of these things”

Cologne UBF I & 2 held a Bible School at the Cologne Center from April 16 – 19 based on Luke, chapters 22:47-24:53. Due to the upcoming European Summer Bible Conference in August, it was decided that a four-evening Bible School would be the most appropriate way to celebrate the Easter season this year. The Bible school consisted of four group Bible studies and four messages.

The Bible school began on Wednesday evening at 8:00PM with group Bible studies. There were eight groups total. The groups were heterogeneous and randomly assigned, mixed in age and nationality including HBF as well as elders. Each group studied Luke 22:47 – 23:25. The next evening, Thursday at 7:00PM, Sh. Rene Richelshagen delivered a message entitled: “(You say that) I am.” There was always a standing option for people to share their testimonies with the congregation on the corresponding passage before breaking into group Bible studies. Many also felt comfortable sharing their testimonies within their small groups. After the message, everyone broke out into the same groups for Bible study on Luke 23:26-49.

On Friday at 7:00PM, Msn. Samuel Kim delivered a message entitled: “Father, forgive them!” Since Friday also happens to be the day when growing disciples share their testimonies, there were testimonies shared on the previous Sunday passage as well as other passages on this day as well. The following group Bible study focused on Luke 23:50-24:12.

On the last day of the Bible school, Saturday at 7:00PM, everyone listened to a ‘duo-message’ from young missionaries Henoch Seok and Josua Cho entitled, “He is not here; he has risen! (Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee).” These two messengers encouraged everyone to think about their heavenly address and actively preach the gospel. Afterwards, everyone studied the last Easter passage from Luke 24,13-53. The Bible school culminated on Sunday with the Easter message from Knut Rohrmoser entitled, “You are witnesses of these things.” This year, Cologne UBF was blessed to remember Jesus’ words from the gospel of Luke. It was truly a happy and blessed Easter, and through it we hope to be witnesses of all that we experienced.
