A Beautiful Wedding News from Kiev, Ukraine

  • by WMD
  • Jun 24, 2014
  • 1073 reads

KIEV UBF, Ukraine
June 24, 2014

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. ” (John 10:11)

Thank God for establishing a house church between Sh. Andrei and Shs. Galrya. Dr. Peter Kim officiated this wedding based on John 10:11.
Sh. Andrei attends the Ph.D program of the Department of Physics at the University of Kiev. He was raised as a disciple of Jesus by Sh. Noah and Shs. Zaikin's family. Shs. Galrya has grown as a disciple of Jesus through one to one with M. Mark and M. Esther Kim as well. She is currently working as a school teacher for a junior high school nearby Kiev UBF center. Their marriage key verse is John 10:11 and according to their key verse they have a clear life purpose and direction to live for the sake of the gospel of Jesus as a shepherd family.
May God abundantly bless this new house church to be a beautiful shepherd family who serves many campus sheep with God's shepherd heart!

M. Peter Kim, Kiev, Ukraine