Ukraine UBF United Bible Conference 2014

  • by WMD
  • Jun 25, 2014
  • 1174 reads

Ukraine UBF
June 25, 2014

The Good Shepherd – Jesus

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. ”
(John 10:11)

From June 13 - 15, 2014 Ukraine UBF chapters had a united Bible conference with the theme of “The Good Shepherd – Jesus. ”
A total of 145 people attended: Padil UBF - 7, Dnepropetrovsk UBF- 3, Odessa UBF- 62, Kiev UBF - 70, and three guests from outside: Dr. Jim Rakchuk from McComb, USA, M. Ruth Ushomirsky from, NEIU, Chicago, and Sh. Alexei Belykh from Moscow.
Originally, it was scheduled for May, but due to the extremely heightened tensions in Ukraine and the serious safety issues, the conference was held a month later.
M. Ruth Ushomirsky from NEIU, Chicago gracefully shared her mission report for the past six years in Chicago as a missionary. Dr. Professor James Rabchuk as well put everything behind and attended our conference to support us and pray for Ukraine out of his shepherd heart even in the middle of his busy schedule.
In particular, I was so thankful to see that Odessa UBF was full of the Holy Spirit and God’s blessing of their discipleship ministry. Also, I could especially thank God for M. John and Grace Lee and their sacrificial gospel ministry for the last 20 years in Odessa.
Another special thanksgiving topic is for M. Hannah Choi and her shepherd heart for one soul, sister Rilrya who had a wounded heart. During this conference she opened her heart and exposed her inner problems through sharing her own reflection and confessed that Jesus is her good shepherd and made a decision of faith to live a fruitful mission life as a shepherdess like Jesus.
I greatly appreciate all our co-workers worldwide, who have been praying for Ukraine and the peaceful resolution of the crisis, and praying for this conference as well. May God richly bless our UBF Bible study and world mission vision through raising disciples of Jesus all the more!

One word: The Good Shepherd – Jesus

M. Peter Kim, Kiev, Ukraine
