Korea UBF held JBF Teachers Meeting

  • by WMD
  • Jul 11, 2014
  • 1036 reads

Korea UBF
July 11, 2014

On July 5, 2014 Korea JBF held its teachers’ meeting for preparing its national summer conference at Yonhee world mission center in Seoul, Korea. The total number of attendees was 33: (Yonhee18), Kyoungsung(5), (Gwangjoo3), (Chunan2), (Gwanak1), (Sungdong1), (Wonchun1), (Baebong1), and (Kyoungheemoon1).
Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF director) and Sarah Kim came to visit and encouraged all the attendees.

From 11 am -1 pm Sh. Yoonha Whang gave a lecture about how to "Warm-up" JBF children's hearts before beginning Bible study. He spoke on how to open children's hearts to the word of God and make good fellowship with each other as well.

After the lecture we were served with a delicious lunch by Yonhee UBF women co-workers.
From 2-3pm Sh. Mija Lee gave a lecture about studying based on Q&A format.
It is an active and advanced Bible study style for Bible students so that they may actively meditate on the word of God, making questionnaires by themselves and having discussions during the Bible study. We also decided to put it into practice in this coming JBF summer conference.

From 3-4 pm Sh. Prayer Chae (Gwangjoo) and Mija Lee (Yonhee) gave guidelines about the team by team activity (1) and (2). The first activity: There will be team by team strength-competition while all 12 teams are going through the six courses and making each team one in spirit to win the victory and making good fellowship with one another in the competition.

The second activity: There will be a symposium about the future direction for JBF students presented by mentors including their experience and testimonies. It will also be in progress with question and answer with the fourteen mentors who will guide them. The purpose of the symposium is for them to have a dream and vision.

From 4-4:30 we discussed the programs and all about the conference led by Sh. Moses Kim (Gwangjoo). We decided to name the conference title: "Do Dream in Jesus" after considering all the opinions from JBF members' idea contest and JBF teachers.

We will continue to prepare GBS leaders with "Question and Answer" questionnaire and to try to find out the JBF members' wish for future direction and to prepare what each chapter needs to do for the conference.
At the end we made a decision to make the conference full of grace in Jesus preparing the conference with all our hearts and with united prayer for the 20 remaining days of the conference ( The date and place : Aug. 1-3, 2014 at the Youth Training Center at Kimpo, Korea) .

Moses Kim (Gwangjoo UBF)
