Jongro1 & Wharang UBF Had a Joint Summer Conference, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jul 21, 2014
  • 964 reads

Jongro1 & Wharang UBF, Korea
July 21, 2014

Jongro1 and Wharang UBF held their summer Bible conference on July10-13 at UNESCO Peace Center at Ichun Kyounki province in Korea. The number of attendees was 132 including 29 newcomers. The conference theme was “A Spring of Water Welling up to Eternal Life”. There were a total of ten lectures boldly testifying that all people are thirsty spiritually being far from their Creator God. But when they come to know God and worship Him only they can be truly satisfied by the spring of water welling up to eternal life.
Especially Sh. Abraham Suh (Asan UBF) who was invited as a special lecturer gave a powerful and heart moving message that matches the level of young people entitled, “God saw all that He had made and said, “It was Very Good" based on Genesis 1:31.
Sh. Dami Kim was so busy taking care of her three children but she prepared her message with all of her heart rehearsing 20 times. She also gave a powerful and excellent lecture based on John 4 entitled, "A Spring of Water Welling up to Eternal Life".
All students who attended were greatly moved by the word of God and shared their sincere and repentant testimonies at the meeting.
Among them brother Junkyu Kim sincerely confessed his sins before God that he was like a prodigal son and made a decision to live a new life in Jesus. Sister Sarah Lee also confessed that she was thirsty like a Samaritan woman and has new desire to worship Jesus only and to experience the spring of water welling up to eternal life.
We thank God that Wharang UBF has joined our SBC for the last ten years and were greatly encouraged by this conference. They also made a new decision to have their own independent SBC beginning from next year by faith.
All the new students were moved by God's grace and will have a meeting (Matthew Team) every Saturday at 2pm, drinking from the spring of water welling up to eternal life through Jesus.
Please pray that they may continue to grow as disciples of Jesus and Bible teachers who are learning and following Jesus Christ.

Caleb Kim
