Gwanak 3 held its Summer Conference with the Theme 'The Cross Which Gives us Life in His Love'

  • by WMD
  • Aug 12, 2014
  • 846 reads

Gwanak 3 UBF
August 12, 2014

On July 18-21 Gwanak 3 UBF held its summer conference with the theme “The Cross Which Gives us Life in His Love” at Hanbada training center at Chungpyoung Kyoungki province in Korea. 145 people attended of whom 51 were new Bible students.

During the preparation of the conference whenever we gathered together we knelt down before God and earnestly prayed to God, first for the unprecedented great work of the word of God among us, and second for bringing 58 newcomers to the conference. God answered our prayer, and thus, God’s word worked powerfully. 58 newcomers registered for the conference, and 51 new Bible students attended the conference.

Our ten messengers willingly poured out their hearts for their message preparation by undertaking camp training at the Gwanak 3 UBF center for more than a month. In order to receive one word of God they sincerely struggled every night repenting of their sins and preparing the word of God until dawn, despite having to go to work after the sunrise. They also ate together and knelt down before God in prayer at 11pm every day, making a vessel of the Holy Spirit at the center. Women co-workers took turns serving food; they served with all their hearts every day.

God greatly blessed main lecture 1 entitled, “A Spring of Water Welling up to Eternal Life” and worked mightily in the hearts of newcomers. The next day main lecture 2, “The Cross of Jesus” boldly testified about the grace and love of Jesus through the cross. It was really a heart-moving message. On the last day, main lecture 3 entitled, “Do you love me?” based on John 21 greatly moved most of the hearts of the attendants. Three representative testimony speakers, all of which are sophomores, fully supported these main lectures. Also, the other seven messengers and all those who were serving dance, music, duo-drama and video presentation greatly contributed to the powerful work of the Word. As a result, based on the message of the main lecture 1, 12 newcomers presented their sincere testimonies at the sharing session on the second evening. 11 newcomers who were moved by the word of the cross of Jesus shared their wonderful testimonies confessing their sins with tears. Their testimonies were of higher quality than the previous years.

We praise God for answering our prayers and allowing the mighty work of the Holy Spirit among us through the word of God, which we have never seen before.

Daniel Byeon
