CIS Int’l SBC 2014 Report By David Byun

  • by WMD
  • Sep 05, 2014
  • 2459 reads

September 5, 2014

On August 21 through August 24, The CIS ISBC 2014 was held at Pokrobckoe Retreat Center near Moscow with the theme, “CIS-God’s Kingdom.” A total of 344 people (193 from CIS, 45 from USA, Canada and Germany, 40 from Korea and China and 66 of CBF, MBF and HBF) attended to this conference.

1. Conference preparation by 5 native shepherds of the working group

At the Regional Directors’ conference in January we formed a working group of 5 native shepherds who would serve the conference as hosts. They had had a meeting every Tuesday for six months via SKYPE. They prayed earnestly and prepared the coming conference wholeheartedly. Through this working group meetings the conference preparation had been preceded, like conference theme, Bible passage, and all programs including serving servants. It would be a biggest event of the last 9 years, but native shepherds had no experience of serving such big conference at all. However, God abundantly blessed the conference when they co-worked very keenly each other.

2. Work of sincere prayers

During the conference preparation a conflict and a war between Russia and Ukraine broke out. The situation had been getting worse. In the end, due to this risk Ukraine leaders and sheep were unable to attend the Conference, and that is why we worried whether the Conference would be postponed. God, at this point, gave us specific prayer topics: Hold firmly the Conference theme, “CIS-God’s Kingdom,” and pray that God’s kingdom may come down on all attendees, and also pray for CIS to be used as a priestly nation for 7 unreached nations among CIS, Islamic countries, China and North Korea. And we prayed for Russia and Ukraine to end the war in peace. God heard all our prayers from all over the world and greatly blessed the conference in the grace of God. Eventually, 9 Ukraine leaders attended the conference over the war and greatly encouraged all of us.

3. Amazing work of the words of God

In this conference there were no bells and whistles, but pure words of God centered messages. Whenever the words of God centered messages were proclaimed, the words of God penetrated into each attendant’s heart as if they are alive. For this, Dr. John Jun and M. John Lee came early to Moscow and helped each messenger.

The opening message (Jn 1: 29, “Look, the Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World”) was served by Sh. Alexei Belykh from Moscow. The evening message of the 1st day was “The Love of the Father” based on Luke chapter 15 and was delivered by Sh. Rustam from Astana. The 2nd day morning message was delivered by Shs. Rebecca, entitled “Jesus Who Never Condemns” based on Jn 8. The Main Lecture 1 was served by M. Point based on Lk 23, entitled “Jesus’ love of forgiveness.” The 2nd evening message was served by Sh. Daniel Zhivaeva from MGIMO chapter, entitled “Duty of Reconciliation” based on 2Cor. 5. In the third morning, Sh. Sergey served a message, entitled “Your Kingdom Come” based on Matt. 6. After that the main lecture 2 (A Royal priesthood, 1 Peter 2) was served by Sh. Konstantin. The third evening message was “Christian View of History” based on Mk 13 delivered by Sh. Abraham Stas from Almaty. The third main lecture was served by P. Kevin Albright from Chicago, entitled “Remain in Me” based on Jn 15. And P. Abraham Kim, UBF General director served the closing message, entitled “In a Rented House” based on Acts 28. In addition, M. Mother Barry encouraged all of us in the very beginning of the conference, saying “Let’s posses God’s kingdom by faith in Jesus through deep repentance before the words of God.”

4. Precious jewel like life testimonies

M. Sunji Jun, M. Anna Yang and M. Maria Ahn's shepherdoloy - All participants were able to learn their full devotion to early pioneering UBF ministry and their beautiful life of mission before God. It was heart moving and beautiful time of that we desired to follow their good examples.

The first UBF silver missionary, M. Isaac Lim's life testimony – He showed us that old age does not a matter to serve God's world mission and everything is possible when we challenge by faith and enthusiasm. There were 14 more testimony speakers. Among them specifically M. Rebecca who went to Turkey as a missionary from Ukraine in obedience to the faith testified how she has been molded as a mother of faith who loves Turkey, bearing the cross of pioneering a ministry in Turkey, Islamic.

5. Calling hours

On the third night, we had a time of God’s calling for those who want to devote themselves to live as “missionaries” and “shepherds,” meditating on the words of God. Amazingly 55 volunteers came up to the stage and made a decision to commit the rest of their lives to live as “missionary” and “shepherd” and prayed to God with tears.

6. RUDN UBF Pioneering

During this conference God ordained M. Andrej & Joshepina Choi from MISIS center and sent them out to pioneer RUDN campus in Moscow. The sister Irina has been raised as a shepherdess for this campus and they asked us to pray for them to raise one Abraham among the RUDN campus ministry.

7. The 1st CIS 2nd gens SBC 2014

For the first time, all 2nd gens of CIS missionaries who have been scattered all over the lonely places and 2nd gens of native shepherds gathered together in one place. A total of 66 children attended the conference with the theme, “I'm seeking God’s kingdom.” Especially M. Catherine Han and Sh. Artom and some Korean shepherds from Kwangju UBF, Korea prayed hard and devoted themselves to this 2nd gens conference. I pray that all CIS 2nd gens who are the next generation leaders of CIS ministry may have a clear spiritual identity as children of God and grow steadily.

I am really thankful to all our co-workers world wide who prayed hard and earnestly while we were in many difficulties and hardship for the CIS ISBC 2014. Especially I am very grateful to those who came far from N. Amreica, Korea, China and Germany and for their love and fellowship. Above all, I want to give much thanks to all our missionaries in Moscow, native shepherds and even all 2nd gen missionaries and for their devotion to this conference.
May God preciously use CIS as a priestly nation for Islamic world, China and North Korea!

M. David Byun