Kyounsung & Songdo UBF Joint SBC Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 20, 2014
  • 1651 reads

On July 24-27 Kyoungsung and Songdo UBF held its joint SBC at Gwanglim seminar house at Pochun Korea. 208 people attended including nine missionaries and second gens from the USA, Sweden, Brazil, Mexico and Belarus.

On the first night Sh. Dongwon Lee (Dentist) gave a message “Jesus Who Gives True Rest” based on Mt 11:20-30. Through this, he encouraged all the attendees to come to Jesus and unload their burden of sin and to follow him, carrying their own cross of mission. Right after the message there were eight beautiful and heart moving life testimonies presented by second gens Esther Ahn, Joseph Chang, Jonathan Cho (Chicago), Marisol (youngest daughter of Sh. Blas, Mexico), Sarah Kim Jr ( Kiev), Ludia O and Samuel O (Belarus) and Grace Joo (Sweden). After this the Kyoungsung Orchestra performed a beautiful piece of high quality music. All were moved and filled with the grace of God, even the newcomers, from the first night of the conference.

The next day main lecture 1 "Jesus, You Are My All in All" from Isaiah 9 was given by Sh. Courageous Moon (Autopsy and Pathology specialist). He had boldly started his new life in Jesus after having Bible study during his medical school year but unexpectedly he had to give up his medical study when his eyes were diagnosed as having congenital cataracts. But the Lord who is wonderful counselor and mighty God was with him granting him faith in God. In his sickness he diligently served his sheep and prepared music for every Sunday worship and bore his heavy duties at the medical center as well. In the course of time God gave him great victory and let him be an assistant professor at Soonchunhyang University Hospital last year in Korea.

On the second night Sh. Kyuyon Won (Autopsy and Pathology specialist) gave a message "The Truth Will Set You Free" from John 8. He testified about Jesus who gives us true freedom from sin based on his field experience in Christ.

After the message several persons shared their life testimonies. Among them Peter Park (youngest son of M. Elijah Park, Brazil) shared his graceful testimony that Jesus shed his precious blood for his sin. He made a decision to give his life as a fisher of men for Brazil campus and prays to be a professor and shepherd for the University of Sao Paulo.

On the third morning Sh. Soochul Shin (Industrial bank) gave a graceful message "Jesus Who Was Abandoned by God" based on John 19. He spoke about Jesus who was completely abandoned by God and bore God’s judgment in our place, and Jesus who saved sinners like us, though we all ought to be judged by God.

After dinner, Sh. Caleb Kang (Dentist) gave a graceful message "The Gospel Must First Be Preached to All Nations" from Mark 13. He boldly spoke about God who is the supervisor of history and about God's will for us to bring the gospel message to the ends of the earth in this end time.
After the message some people shared their testimonies. Then we had a prayer time gathering four by four for world mission praying for the prayer topics from overseas.

And then we watched a joyful and powerful worship dance of Kirgizstan, Europe and Ukraine prepared by students and newcomers. And there was also a graceful drama prepared by second generations.

On the fourth day Sh. Taeyoung Kim (Internal medicine) gave a heart moving message "You are the Christ" based on Mt 16. He was born in a very poor family in an urban city. He thought that the only way for him to get out of poverty and become rich was to earn money. For this he studied hard and entered Kyounghee medical school and became a specialist. But money could not save him from sin and death or give him true peace and happiness in his heart. But through Bible study he realized that only Christ Jesus saves him from sin and death and confessed that "Jesus, you are my Christ" who gives me forgiveness, eternal life and joy. Through the message we were all moved and confessed, “Jesus, you are the Christ!”

We praise and thank God for his abundant blessing on the conference, full of grace and truth through the word of God and for opening newcomers’ hearts to the word of God.

We pray that God may bless our fall semester with abundant fruit in raising disciples.