(EUROPE) 2024 ESBC Group Bible Study Questions

For your Group Bible Study Preparation in English, German, and Korean (한국어):
The study questions are on John 14 and Luke 23.

May God work graciously through the Holy Spirit during the Group Bible Study Session (Study and Reflection writing and Sharing)!
May God raise Group Bible Study Leaders!

Source: https://ubf-esbc.org/2024/infos/

Attached Files:

  1. 1-John-14_1-14-Question-EN-revised3__2_
  2. 2-Luke-23_26-49-Question-EN-revised2__2_
  3. 3-Joh-141-14-Fragebogen-deutsch-revised1
  4. 4-Lukas-2326-49-Question-German-revised1
  5. 5-John-141-14-Question-sheet-Korean
  6. 6-Luke-2326-49-Question-sheet-Korean

File attachments: