(CANADA) Hamilton/London/Windsor UBF had a Joint Spring Conference from May 24-26 titled "Jesus, Who Came to Serve"

Jesus Who Came to Serve

"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” -Mark 10:15

Hamilton, London, and Windsor UBF had a spring conference at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp in Ontario on May 24-26. The theme of the conference was "Jesus, who came to serve," based on Mark 10:45. M. Paul C. delivered the first message, "To give his life as a ransom for many (Mk 10:32-45)," and Anne S. delivered the second message, "Jesus who heard one man's cry (Mk 10:46-52)." Through reflection writing, everyone had time to meditate on Jesus' sacrificial love for them. At the conference, three young disciples (Jonahtan, Osanna, and Blessing) shared their life testimonies, and four young men (Samuel Asamoah, Samuel S., Abraham P., and David P.) received baptism by declaring their faith in Jesus.

We had an inspiring singalong, praise and worship night, and a powerful chorus. God also blessed our conference by sending P. Teddy and Liz from Triton UBF and David and Pauline Jr. from Montreal UBF as prayer servants. Through P. Teddy and Liz's life testimony, we could learn what it means to live as a sacrificial servant in the footsteps of Jesus, the Servant. We thank God for many hidden servants who served the conference sacrificially. God renewed our spirits and commitment to follow Christ as his disciples through this conference. We pray for fruitful summer ministry through one-to-one Bible study and prayer. We give praise to God, who richly blessed our united conference.