(GERMANY) M. Moses L. was Accepted into The Master's Program at the University of Music and Theater

Good news about missionary Moses L. (Major: Tenor), son of Spurgeon L., who was ordained at the headquarters staff meeting and sent as a missionary to Germany. He was finally accepted into the master's program at the University of Music and Theater (https://hmtm.de). This university (also called the Kunstkonservatorium in Munich) is one of the best music schools in Germany and one of the top three in Europe, and it is said that he was the only Asian male student selected. Last month he served as a gracious special singer at the World Mission Report in Seoul, and we pray that in the future he may be used valuably in the Lord's work for the glory of God (written by Nehemia K., Korea UBF Director, May 2024)

Are you interested in his wonderful performance? Please visit the following links:


