(GERMNAY) Germany UBF's Joint Conference was Full of Grace and the Word of God with the the Theme "The Way"

On May 3~5, 2024, Aschaffenburg UBF, Koblenz UBF, and Bonn-City UBF had a joint spring conference in the beautiful Westerwald. The theme of the conference was "Jesus is the Way". This year, we focus on the theme "Jesus is the way to the Father" in accordance with the 2024 ESBC in Prague. Through four messages, God spoke in our hearts: "Father, forgive them" (Lk 23:26-49), "Jesus is the way" (Jn 14:1-14), "Jesus promises the Holy Spirit" (Jn 14:15-31 and "Seek first the kingdom of God" (Mt 6:19-34).

We thank God for His forgiving love through the cross of Jesus and for the clear orientation of life, trusting in the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus and to live as His witnesses. We thank God that in groups, we were able to read all the chapters of Acts and to get to know the powerful work of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles and the first church. During the conference, we formed a solid vessel of prayer and prayed in particular for the preparation of the ESBC. May God bless the ESBC and lead the students in Europe on the blessed path of Jesus' discipleship.