2014 JBF national conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 13, 2014
  • 1609 reads

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli Eli, lema sabachthani?" (Which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?")

Halleluah! We render all glory, praise and thank to God who richly blessed JBF national conference in Korea. On Aug8-3, Korea JBF held its conference with the  theme  "Dream and Vision" at Youth training center at Kimpo in Korea.  323 people were attended from Yonhee(63),Jongno(55),Kyoungsung(32), 



Kuyodae(3),Gwangjoo(58), USA(4),Moscow(3),Misis(1),Kazacstan(1),Kirkistan(1),Israel(1),Nigeria(3)and 13 highschool seniors who are going to have their college entrance exam soon.

Main lecture1"Rule over the earth and Subdue it "based on Gen1:26-31 was given by Sh. Hongmin Lee(Kyounsung). He testified well about God's dream and vision by video presentation in the sight of medical doctor, which was revealed in the providence of God's creation.

Main lecture2"My God, my God, why have ou forsaken me" from MT27:27-54 was given by Donghoon Yang(Yonhee). Through the lecture he gracefully revealed about Jesus who were abandoned by God and  bore all our sins on the cross , and about the dream and Vision of Christ.

Main lecture3 "Look forward to Jesus who rewards" based on Heb11:23-29 was given by Sh. Junsim Cho (Jongno). He boldly spoke on how Moses could experience the great victory of faith when he was in great distress. By his lecture all could learn about the faith of Moses and have a great vision to be used As for life testimony speakers 14 JBF shared their wonderful life story looking back their former life of sin, repenting and making dicision of faith for future in the great dream and Vision of Christ. Their names are ; Eunjin Kim(Yonhee), Sehan Kim(Gwangjoo), Yerang Kim(Wonchun), Semin Yang(Gwangjoo), Dahae Kim(Jongno), Yeeun Kang(Kyoungsung), Junghyun Hong(Kyoungsung), Yesle ee(Gwangjoo), Andrew Choi(Jongno),Kyoungjoo Ahn(Kyoungheemoon), Yeeun Choi( Jongno), John Nam(Gwangjoo), Moses Lee(Jongno), Grace Nam(Gwangjoo),There  3honarary JBF members presented their victorious life of faith in Christ testifying about Jesus who rewards through their testimonies at the meetings of main lectures.Their names are : Yechan Kim(KAIST, Sophamore), Hannah Cho(Univ of Education of Pusan, Freshman), Sarang Joo((Designor, Yonhee)The reperesentative testimonies of each GBS team also shared their beautiful testimonies at the 

meeting. their names are; Joseph Kim(Jongno, Middle School1), Hannah Park(Baebong, High1),Yeeun Suh(Choonchun,high2), Kihun Choi(Gwanak,Mid1),1 Basuk Kim(Jongno,High2), Samuel Whang(Anam, Mid2),Jaewhang-Ryou(Daejeon,High2),Petra-Choi(Jongno,High3),Noah Lee(Jongno,Mid3),Zion-You(Gwangjoo,Mid2),Yoneun -Chung(Yonhee,Mid2), Jooeun Moon(Yonhee, Mid2), Jinjoo Lee(Yonhee, Mid2),Chanmee Park(Gwangjo, High1),Abraham Suh(High2).

We had new style of group Bible study based on Q&A format, which was suggested by Sh.Mija 

Lee. It was an active and advanced Bible study style for Bible students so that they may actively 

meditate on the word of God, making questionnaires by themselves and having discussions 

during the Bible study.

There were team by team activities.  The first activity was a team by team strength-competition. There 24 

GBS teams  were participated in. They were divided into four groups for the competition, and  While each 

group was going through the six hurdle courses and they made each group one in spirit to win the victory, 

making good fellowship with one another in the competition.

The second activity was a symposium about the future direction for JBF students presented by mentors 

including their experience and testimonies. It also was in progress with question and answer with the 

fourteen mentors. It was great and practical help for JBF students because most of the mentors were UBF shepherds with a lot of field experience in Christ.

Lastly we had a praise and prayer night led by Sh. Banseuk Na along with singers from JBF. It opened all attendee's hearts to the Lord in praise and prayer.

Final message " your young men will see visions" based on ACTS2:17 was given by Sh. Moses Kim. 

Through the message we all repented and were forgiven and could have seen vision through the Holy We praise and thank God for the abundant blessing upon this conference with full of dream and vision in Christ, and with the great number of attendees beyond our expectation.

We also thank to Sh. David Kim and  korean staffs and all the servants of the Lord throughout the world who has been earnestly praying and lavish supporting on  this conference. 

We pray that our great dream and vision may be fulfilled by sending out 10,000 missionaries by 2040 using UBF second gens for his name sake.

Moses Kim (Gwangjoo)