(TAIWAN) A Professor Job Opportunity in Taiwan

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jun 05, 2023
  • 549 reads

by Allison

The following is an announcement from M. Alison in Taiwan about a job opportunity. Please get in touch with her if you are interested.
Our program (International Master Program in Asia Pacific Affairs, the College of Social Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University) hires a new professor.
We are looking for someone (non-Taiwanese) who has a Ph.D. degree in either of these may try to apply:

1) International Relations
2) Political Science
3) Political Economy
4) Regional Studies (Asia-Pacific)
5) Diplomatic history
6) Security Studies
7) Cross-Cultural Studies
or any other possible fields in Social Sciences

Graduates from North America, Europe, Korea, and Japan are most welcome. The key is a non-Taiwanese passport holder.
If anyone is interested in this position, please contact me: allisonh99@gmail.com