(NIGERIA-UPDATE) Nigeria UBF Prayer Topics

  • by UBF HQ
  • May 09, 2023
  • 930 reads

by James O.

Please pray for the construction of the MEDILAG Bible House in Nigeria.

Their prayer topics are as follows:
1. For financial support to complete the remodeling of the purchased MEDILAG UBF Bible house and finish the government registration.
2. For the purchase of a suitable Bible house for the YABATECH UBF Bible near the YABATECH campus

by James O.

The followings are prayer topics from James O., Nigeria UBF:
1. Easter conference titled "Father's Love" on April 8-9. To raise a new generation of Bible teachers and shepherds.
2. Prayer and financial support to complete the remodeling of the purchased MEDILAG UBF Bible house and the government registration.
3. Purchase of a suitable place for the YABATECH UBF Bible house.