(ASIA) Many Gathered Together to Join the Asian Directors' New Year Conference, from January 12-14, 2023

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 23, 2023
  • 713 reads

(by P*aul K*won)

The 2023 Asian Directors' New Year Conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand from January 12-14. It was the first face-to-face conference held in 3 years and a total of 47 people attended. The opening message was delivered by M. P*aul K*won (Mongolia) with the title "You give them something to eat", based on Mark 6:37. Jesus did not work alone; he worked with his disciples to feed the crowd. Through the story, we learned about the respect and love of Jesus for his disciples and his hope for them. After the opening message, there were reports from national coordinators. Even in the midst of the pandemic, there has been amazing work of God such as; disciple-making, growth in the 2nd gens, and the purchase of a new Bible center, etc.

On the second day, there was a New Year's message based on Romans 15, by P. R*on W*ard. The message gave us a clear direction to live a life that imitates Christ and glorifies God with one mind. We wrote and shared our testimonies with one another, sharing our personal struggles, repenting of our sins, and renewing our faith. There were also special lectures by: W*esley Y*oon on Leviticus and M. D*avid K*im on the Spirituality of the Cross and the spiritual legacy of Dr. Samuel Lee. The closing message was delivered by M. B*anseok L*ee from Thailand with the title, “I am confident that God will fulfill it” based on Philippians 1:6. He testified that Thailand's ministry is God's ministry and that the Lord will accomplish this work until the day Jesus Christ returns. At this retreat, M. B*anseok L*ee was appointed as the new Asia coordinator. The conference was full of grace. I pray that God will protect and guide our missionaries in 2023.

<The Former Asia Coordinator M. P*aul Kwon (Right) Delivered Flowers to the newly Elected Coordinator M. B*anseok L*ee and His Wife>