(AFRICA) Update on African Ministry- Blessed Wedding and New Missionary -2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 03, 2023
  • 899 reads

by J*ames L*ee

Zambia - M. N*ehemiah K*im visited Zambia, arriving on December 25, Christmas Day. It is his first visit after he left Zambia in 2017. He will be with B*oas and other members of Zambia UBF for three weeks to encourage them.

South Africa – There was a wedding ceremony between C*ebo and R*efilwe on December 17. A*bia officiated the wedding, delivering a congratulatory message titled, “The Righteous Will Live by Faith.”

Zimbabwe – M. S*arah L*ee joined Zimbabwe UBF as a new missionary. She is working at the Korean Embassy in Zimbabwe. Please pray for her settlement and co-working with the Korean missionaries and local leaders of Zimbabwe UBF.