(LATIN AMERICA) 8 Latin American Cohort Leaders shared their short messages on December 11th, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Dec 23, 2022
  • 588 reads

by M.J*osue chun

On December 11, 2022, 8 Latin Cohort Leaders who finished their courses shared their short messages (4 from Ps 1:1-2 and 4 from 2Ti 3:16-17): 
Pslam 1: P. J*uan Carlos from Guadalajara, México, P. J*onathan from Nicaragua, P. D*annys from Venezuela/Ecuador, P. A*lejandro from CU, México
2 Timothy: P. D*avid from Ixtlacala, México, P. M*oisés from Bolivia, M. M*aria Teresa from Colombia, and M. O*mar from Brasil. Please pray for Latin American Cohort to be a platform to raise spiritual leaders.