(LATIN AMERICA/UPDATE) The 9th Spanish Online Forum News

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 29, 2022
  • 714 reads


By I*saac Park

The 9th Spanish Online Forum was held on Friday, November 25 with more than 160 attendees. The theme was "Understanding Biblical Marriage and the Importance of Relating Assertively."

Thank God for the three panelists:
1. E*steban (Santa Cruz, Bolivia) who led "The Myths of Marriage and the Reality of the Biblical Home"
2. A*na (Chicago, USA) who led "How to Understand and Express Love in Marriage"
3. E*ridany (CU, Mexico) who led "Administration and Care of the Home Church"
May God bless all house churches in Latin America to be happy and fruitful. 


The 9th Online Forum, in Spanish, will take place on Friday, November 25 under the title "Understanding Biblical Marriage and the Importance of Relating Assertively." Please see the details below:

  • Topic: "Understanding biblical marriage and the importance of relating assertively"
  • Date: Friday, November 25, 2022
  • Time: 7 pm (Mexico & Chicago)
  • Panelists:
    • The myths of marriage and the reality of the biblical home - M. E*steban Cho (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
    • How to understand and express love in marriage - M. A*na Seo (Chicago, USA)
    • Administration and care of the home church - E*ridany Flores (CU, Mexico)
  • Moderator: M. I*saac Park (Iztacala, Mexico)
  • Language: Spanish

UBF Latin America Online Forum Committee

M. I*saac Park