(KOREA) Korea UBF Daily Bread Department Meeting was Held on November 5, 2022

  • by UBF HQ
  • Nov 16, 2022
  • 401 reads

Korea UBF had a daily bread department meeting online on Saturday, November 5, 2022. The focus of the meeting was on Isaiah 55: "Listen to me, and eat what is good."

J*ohn In, M*ark Yoon, S*teven Kim, and S*eung-oon Lee led four groups in Isaiah 55 Bible study. The main message was delivered by S*eung-oon Lee who encouraged us with clear spiritual direction during this post-Covid era.

Three members shared how they overcame difficulties in military service, family, campus, and their workplace through daily bread meditation. 219 people who meditated on God's word with daily bread faithfully for 365 days were awarded and encouraged to continue pursuing a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.