(EUROPE) Europe UBF Met In-Person For the 2022 Encounter Conference

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 30, 2022
  • 887 reads

By Europe Encounter Movement

We had the privilege of having the Encounter Conference in-person after our last online Encounter Conference during the first year of the pandemic. We are more than grateful for this opportunity. Thank you for your prayers for us, especially during this time!

The conference was organized by the Encounter Movement members from Germany and Austria: D*avid H., J*u Eun K., P*aul G., and W*esley S. Their goal was to create an atmosphere of good fellowship and a program containing deep content and many opportunities for personal encounters with Jesus. Each day we had morning devotion, one message, one Bible Study in small groups, reflection writing and sharing times and free time. The Bible studies were deep and well prepared and gave an opportunity for participants to reflect together on the passages and ask questions.

One participant recounts: "The conference was a true blessing for me and showed me how important and good it is to have Christian friends. During the conference, God touched my heart again and my faith got bigger. I also learned that God is always with me even when it feels like he doesn't and has a plan for me."
A full version of report is attached.



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