(HQ/UPDATE) The ELC 6th Cohort, the Foxtrot Team, Started Their First Year

  • by UBF HQ
  • Aug 29, 2022
  • 624 reads


By A*ugustine Suh

The 6th Emerging Leaders Cohort (ELC) Foxtrot team consists of 8 members: I*an Aagard (Toronto), S*tephen Gan (Lehigh), M*ichael McCandless (Eau Claire), S*tephen Krocheski (Catonsville), J*ohn Lee, A*linne Tapia, B*ahati Kimondo, and J*ason Havey (Chicago). They started their first year with orientation on August 13, sharing their vision and goals. They will study 18 topics relevant for gospel workers by hybrid methods (synchronous and asynchronous) for the next two and a half years. The 5th ELC Echo team with 7 members began their 2nd year on August 20. Pray for them to grow in the knowledge and image of Jesus Christ and be equipped as ministers of Christ.

By K*evin Albright

D*avid Chang (Edmonton, Canada), N*ate Turnock (Philadelphia), P*aul Chung (Chicago), C*hristopher Hoffman (Indianapolis), J*onathan Reese (Chicago), M*onday Togbe (Nigeria), and E*noch Ayomide (Nigeria) were part of the ELC (Emerging Leaders' Cohort) Delta team and graduated the 2-year course on July 9, 2022.

We thank God for their dedication to the program. They shared testimonies of what they learned and how they grew through the ELC program.

May God raise them as faithful and fruitful gospel ministers and servants of Christ! In August, the Echo team begins their 2nd session, and the Foxtrot team begins their 1st year.